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Queensland - Organisation

Link-Up Queensland (1984 - 1989)


Link-Up Queensland was established in response to recommendations contained in the Bringing Them Home Report. The service strives to enhance the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by reuniting those over the age of eighteen years who have experienced enforced separation from their families and communities through adoption, fostering, removal and institutionalisation. Link-Up Queensland became known as the Link-Up Queensland Aboriginal Corporation in 1989.


In 1997 the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) undertook the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families. The Bringing Them Home Report, as it is known, made a total of 54 recommendations.

Among those recommendations were several (30a, 30b and 33-35) which addressed the need to:

"assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people separated from their families under past laws, practices and policies of Australian governments, to undertake family tracing and reunion initiatives."

The Australian Government responded to this Inquiry by providing funding to establish a national network of Family Tracing and Reunion Services (known as the National Link-Up Program). The Program would assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people separated from their families as a result of past governments' policies and practices


Online Resources

Prepared by: Lee Butterworth