The Nest Children’s Home was established in Arncliffe in 1930 by the Salvation Army in Dappeto, the building which had previously been Arncliffe Girls’ Industrial Home. It was a children’s home with capacity for 60. In 1941 The Nest was converted to Arncliffe Girls’ Home, which was often referred to as The Nest Girls’ Home.
Arncliffe Girls’ Industrial Home became known as The Nest Children’s Home in January 1930. From January 1941 to January 1969 it was then called Arncliffe Girls’ Home, although commonly referred to as The Nest Girls’ Home.
In 1935 the Salvation Army General Evangeline Booth stayed at The Nest whilst visiting Sydney. In preparations for the visit the interior was re-painted and the 60 girls living in the home had to ensure that it was thoroughly cleaned and polished.
Alternative Names
The Nest
1941 - 1969
The Nest Children's Home was situated at 171 Wollongong Road, Arncliffe, New South Wales (Building Still standing)