
The South Yarra Home

The South Yarra Home was an institution for ‘friendless and fallen’ women and girls was established around 1878 by Matthew Burnett, an evangelist who conducted a mission in Wesley Church. It was located at 17-19 Lang Street, South Yarra. In 1895, Wesley Central Mission took over responsibility from a local committee for running the South…

Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited

Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited was formed in July 2017 and is the community services organisation of the Uniting Church of Australia in Victoria and Tasmania. At its establishment Uniting brought together 24 founding agencies, including 21 UnitingCare agencies and Wesley Mission Victoria. The Uniting Heritage Service is for people (and their family members) who…

Harrison Community Services

Harrison Community Services came into being in 1994. Previously it was known as Harrison House Youth Services. The name change reflected a broadening of services, to include families as well as young people. Run by the Uniting Church, it was based in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. In 2000, it became part of UnitingCare Victoria….

UnitingCare Harrison

UnitingCare Harrison was the new name given to Harrison Community Services in 2008. In 2017, UnitingCare Harrison became part of the new organisation, known as Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited.

Uniting Heritage Service – Contact Details

Please contact Christopher Wade, Manager Uniting Heritage Service: Postal address: Locked Bag 8, A’Beckett Street PO, Melbourne VIC 8006 Phone: 0402 969 621 Email: Website:

Barwon Association for Youth Support and Accommodation Records

Barwon Association for Youth Support and Accommodation Records date from around 1982 to 2015. The collection includes records about Wahroonga Hostel, Lismore House and other services operated by Barwon Association for Youth Support and Accommodation and its subsequent agency Barwon Youth. The records are held by Meli. Access Conditions Conditional Access – For access to…

Mission House

Mission House was the headquarters of the Mission to the Streets and Lanes. From the 1950s until the 1970s, some single mothers were accommodated at Mission House during their pregnancies. In 1952, the Mission relocated from Mission House in Spring Street, Melbourne, to new premises at 116 Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy. In the early 1970s, Mission…

Wahroonga Hostel

Wahroonga Hostel was opened on 1 November 1995 by the Barwon Association for Youth Support & Accommodation. It was a replacement property for Lismore House in the suburb of Newcomb. The new property was designed to have an improved personal living environment for residents of the youth hostel. Wahroonga Hostel closed in 2000.

Barwon Youth

Barwon Youth was established in 2006, it was previously known as the Barwon Association for Youth Support & Accommodation. Barwon Youth continued to provide community service programs catered to adolescents. It became known as Barwon Child, Youth & Family in 2015 when it merged with Glastonbury Community Services and Time for Youth.

Barwon Child, Youth & Family

Barwon Child, Youth & Family (BCYF) was established on 1 July 2015 as a merger between Glastonbury Community Services, Barwon Youth and Time for Youth. BCYF provided out-of-Home care, placement prevention services, early years; family & community services; youth services and specialist intervention services. On 1 April 2023, BCYF merged with Bethany to form a…