
St Joseph’s Home for Destitute Children, The Society of St Vincent de Paul

St Joseph’s Home for Destitute Children was established by the South Melbourne St Vincent de Paul Conference (or branch) in 1888. It accommodated girls and boys aged from around 2 to 13. In 1890, the Home was relocated to Kent Road, Surrey Hills and came under the control of the Sisters of St Joseph. St…

St Joseph’s Home for Boys

St Joseph’s Home for Boys in Surrey Hills was the new name given in 1925 to the St Joseph’s Home for Destitute Children. It accommodated boys aged between 4 and 12. In around 1967, the name changed to St Joseph’s Home for Children. In his book, Patrick Wheatley-Kenyon recalled the meals he had as a…

Christian Brothers’ Child Youth and Family Services

Christian Brothers’ Child Youth and Family Services was formed in 1995, in the lead-up to the creation of MacKillop Family Services in 1997.

Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart

The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart is a religious order founded in 1866, at Penola in South Australia. Its first member and Superior was Mary MacKillop. The Sisters were active in several Australian states in education and child welfare, establishing several schools, orphanages and babies’ and children’s Homes. The order of the…

St Anthony’s Family Service

St Anthony’s Family Service, Footscray, was established by the Sisters of St Joseph in 1976, following the closure of St Anthony’s Children’s Home in Kew. It provided family support services combined with specialist educational services and family group home care. In 1997, these services became part of MacKillop Family Services. St Anthony’s Family Service administration…

Berry Street – Child and Family Care

Berry Street – Child and Family Care was the new name given in 1975 to the former Berry Street Babies’ Home and Hospital. The name change reflected Berry Street’s new focus on child care, family counselling and support, and residential care for children in family group homes. In 1992, the name changed again to Berry…

Sutherland Child Youth and Family Services

Sutherland Child Youth and Family Services came into being in 1991. It was previously known as Sutherland Homes for Children. In 1994, Sutherland Child Youth and Family Services amalgamated with Berry Street, to form a new organisation with the Berry Street name. Sutherland Child Youth and Family Services came into being in 1991. It was…

Sisters of Mercy, Melbourne Congregation

The Sisters of Mercy, Melbourne Congregation was a Catholic religious order of women who arrived in Victoria in 1857 from Western Australia. The Sisters operated orphanages, children’s homes, foster care programmes and family care centres. In 1907 other Victorian congregations merged into the Melbourne Congregation. In 2011, the Sisters of Mercy, Melbourne Congregation was dissolved…

Christian Brothers

The Christian Brothers arrived in Victoria from Ireland in 1868 and in 1874 they were appointed to manage what became known as St Vincent de Paul’s Boys’ Orphanage in South Melbourne. In 1879, the Christian Brothers assumed responsibility of St Augustine’s Orphanage at Geelong. In 1885, the Australasian Province of the Christian Brothers was formally…

The Victorian Infant Asylum

The Victorian Infant Asylum was established in 1877. Its stated aims were: to prevent infanticide, save infant life from the ‘evils of baby farming’, and to rescue mothers of illegitimate children from further degradation. In 1902, its name changed to the Victorian Infant Asylum and Foundling Hospital. The Victorian Infant Asylum was established in 1877….