
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart

The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart is a religious order founded in 1866, at Penola in South Australia. Its first member and Superior was Mary MacKillop. The Sisters were active in several Australian states in education and child welfare, establishing several schools, orphanages and babies’ and children’s Homes. The order of the…

The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory

The Salvation Army Australia Southern Territory was one of two autonomous territories of this world-wide Christian Church in Australia. Its international headquarters are in London, England. The Southern Territory comprised the Salvation Army in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory (Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory made up…

Stolen Generations

The Stolen Generations are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who, when they were children, were taken away from their families and communities as the result of past government policies. Children were removed by governments, churches and welfare bodies to be brought up in institutions, fostered out or adopted by white families. The removal of…

Child Welfare Agreement Ordinance 1941, Commonwealth of Australia

The Child Welfare Agreement Ordinance 1941 (Act no. 12/1941) was Commonwealth legislation that approved an agreement made between the Commonwealth and the state of New South Wales for the reception, detention and maintenance in institutions in NSW of children committed to those institutions by courts of the ACT. When an ACT court committed a child…

CatholicCare Tasmania

CatholicCare Tasmania was formerly known as Centacare Tasmania. The name change was adopted on 1 July 2015 in order to more clearly identify the organisation with the Catholic Church. CatholicCare Tasmania continued Centacare Tasmania’s work as the primary social services agency of the Catholic Church in Tasmania. In 2022 CatholicCare Tasmania provided Therapeutic Residential Care…

St Patrick’s Province (Victoria and Tasmania), Christian Brothers

St Patrick’s Province (Victoria and Tasmania) of the Christian Brothers was established in 1967. That year, St Patrick’s Province of the Christian Brothers was split into two provinces: St Patrick’s (Victoria and Tasmania) and Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers (which governed the states of South Australia and Western Australia). St Patrick’s Province (Victoria…

Case Files of the Child Welfare Division (North West Office)

The Case Files of the Child Welfare Division (North West Office) contain personal information about wards of state and other children that came under the supervision of the Children of the State Department and its successors between 1943 and 2002. Access Conditions Closed D75 years D75 means these records are closed to the general public…

Records of Cases Heard in Children’s Court, Tasmania

Tasmanian Archives holds many series of records of cases heard in children’s courts throughout Tasmania between 1906 and 1986. These files may include the cases of children who became state wards, whose cases often had to go through a court process before a magistrate before becoming state wards. These records are arranged by the individual…

Collection of Photographs

Collection of Photographs is an archival series held by Tasmanian Archives. It contains photographs that have been donated to Tasmanian Archives from various sources, often with little identification or provenance information. It contains several photos of Tasmanian children’s homes. Many of the photographs in this series have been digitised and are available online. Access Open…

Register of Incapacitated Persons Maintained in Institutions in Other Colonies

Register of Incapacitated Persons Maintained in Institutions in Other Colonies is an archival series held by Tasmanian Archives. It lists the details of Tasmanian residents, many of whom were children, who were admitted to institutions in Victoria and New South Wales for the deaf, dumb and blind between 1873 and 1897. Access Open This item…