The Wybra Hall records held by Tasmanian Archives consist of annual planners, daily comment books, absconding lists, duty diaries, and records of children’s education. The records date from 1981 to 1985. Access Conditions Restricted 75 years (E75) E75 means these records are closed to the general public for 75 years from the date of the…
Please contact the Right to Information Officer, Department of Justice: Postal Address: GPO Box 825, Hobart, TAS, 7001 Email: Website :
The record series Health Registers contains information regarding the medical and dental treatment received by boys at the Ashley Home for Boys. The records list the boys’ names, date of treatment and give a brief description of treatment receive, accompanied by the signature of the health officer. These records are part of the holdings of…
The record series Duty Diaries contains the diaries of staff on duty at the Ashley Home for Boys. For each day different staff filled out the times of duties performed, as well as any incidents and events. Often the number of boys in sections are recorded. These records are part of the holdings of the…
The record series Record of Admissions and Discharges contains a list of boys admitted to and discharged from Ashley Home for Boys, and the Ashley Youth Detention Centre. It shows admissions on the left and discharges on the right. It includes the dates, full name, the region and sometimes the length of stay. These records…
Medical experiments on children in institutions happened in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Australia. The first documented experimentation on children in institutions in Australia was in 1803, where it was reported that John Savage, Assistant Surgeon of the New South Wales Colony, was “trying the effects” of the smallpox vaccine on “some of the…
The Declaration of the Rights of the Child set out ten principles related to children’s rights. The Declaration was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1959. Click here to see the full Find & Connect glossary
On 20 June 2000, on the motion of Senator Andrew Murray, the Senate referred the issue of child migration to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report. An estimated five to ten thousand child migrants from both Britain and Malta came to Australia between1922 and 1967, most of whom were sent to charitable…
Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN), founded in 2000 in Sydney, is a support and advocacy group for people brought up in care away from their family as state wards or children raised in Children’s Homes, orphanages or other institutions, or in foster care. CLAN is also for anyone who has a close family member who…
The first Good Shepherd Sisters in Australia landed in Melbourne on 24 June 1863. They had travelled from Angers in France at the request of Bishop James Goold of Melbourne, to establish a female rescue home. They purchased a property at Abbotsford, from which they ran an industrial school, commercial laundry, and provided accommodation for…