
Apology to Former Child Migrants by the British Government

On 24 February 2010, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued an apology to child migrants, for the United Kingdom’s role in deporting thousands of children to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Some former child migrants were funded by the British Government to go to London and hear the Prime Minister’s statement…

The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families

The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition, understanding and reparation for people who were sent as child migrants from their countries of birth. The IAFCM&F has presented submissions to various Inquiries into child migration. The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition,…

The Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1912, Tasmania

The Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1912 (3 George V, No 16), had the full title ‘An Act to provide for the subdivision of the Cape Barren Island Reserve, and for other purposes’. It provided for the subdivision of the Cape Barren Island Reserve into homesteads and agricultural blocks specifically for the use of the…

The Marriage Amendment Act 1906, Tasmania

The Marriage Amendment Act 1906 also known by its full title “An Act to amend ‘The Marriage Act 1895′” (Act no.6 Edw. VII No.19) stresses the legitimacy of marriages conducted prior to the Marriages Act 1895, or by Officiating Ministers whom were believed to be legitimate by the married parties even if they turned out…

The Maintenance Act 1921, Tasmania

The Maintenance Act 1921 had the full title “An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to the Maintenance of Deserted Wives and Children and Other Persons, and to provide for and facilitate the Obtaining and Enforcing of Maintenance Orders in Tasmania and Other Countries in which Reciprocal Provisions are in force, and for…

The Maintenance Act 1924, Tasmania

The Maintenance Act 1924 with the full title “An Act to amend ‘The Maintenance Act 1921′” (Act no.15 Geo. V No.16) makes changes to three key parts of The Maintenance Act 1921. This act was repealed in 1968 by the Maintenance Act 1967 (Act no.36/1976). Under the Maintenance Act 1921 individual maintenance orders made in…

Royal Commission into Queen’s Asylum, Tasmania

The Royal Commission into Queen’s Asylum, conducted by Dr John Coverdale, opened in January 1867. Although its purpose was to cut costs at the Asylum, it failed to make any recommendations for this. It reported in December 1867. According to Joan Brown, the government appointed the Royal Commission to consider reducing expenditure at the Asylum….

M903 [2] Big Brother Movement of Tasmania

M903 [2] Big Brother Movement of Tasmania contains correspondence between the Tasmanian Government Tourist and Immigration Department and the Big Brother Movement. It names some of the boys who emigrated to Tasmania under the auspices of the Movement. There are a few letters from boys and their parents. The file also contains newspaper cuttings with…

Select Committee on Child Protection, Tasmania

The Select Committee on Child Protection was set up in October 2010 and reported in 2011. It found that the child protection system was under ‘serious stress’ and that as a result, children were not receiving the care and protection that they needed. The situation was not caused by child protection workers, who did a…

The Training Schools Act 1867, Tasmania

The Training Schools Act 1867 also known by its full title “An Act to encourage the Establishment of Training Schools” (Act no. 31 Vict.No.36) established the Training School system in Tasmania. This legislation was repealed in 1896 by the Youthful Offenders, Destitute and Neglected Children Act 1896 (Act no. 60 Vict No.24) and underwent two…