Hagley Farm Primary School replaced Hagley Farm School, in about 1976. It has a mixed dairy farm of 63 acres and provides day trips and camps for primary school children.
Hagley Farm Primary School Records may or may not include the records of Hagley Farm School. However, Care Leavers may contact Hagley Farm Primary School for information.
Please contact Hagley Farm Primary School: Postal address: 2508 Meander Valley Road, Hagley TAS 7292 Phone: (03) 6392 2272 Email: Hagley.Farm.Primary@education.tas.gov.au Website: https://hagleyfarmprimary.education.tas.edu.au/contact
Please contact The Old Scholars Co-ordinator, Dominic College: Postal Address: PO Box 256, Glenorchy TAS 7010 Phone: (03) 6274 6000 E-mail: oldscholars@dominic.tas.edu.au Website: https://www.dominic.tas.edu.au/community/dominic-old-scholars-association
Please contact the Chief Executive Officer, Glenhaven Family Care: Postal address: 41 Clayton Road, Ulverstone TAS 7315 Phone: (03) 6425 1144 Email: tcohen@glenhaven.org.au Website: http://www.glenhaven.org.au/contact/
Glenhaven Family Care Records may include personal information about children who lived at Glenhaven Children’s Home and Heavenview Children’s Home. They may also include personal information about children at the former Glendel Children’s Home. Care Leavers wishing to access these records should contact Glenhaven Family Care.
Children and Youth Services Records include child welfare records that have not yet been transferred to and processed by the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office. These records include Admission Registers for Ashley Home for Boys covering the dates 1954 – 1984. These registers contain personal information about boys detailed at Ashley. Access Conditions Access to…
Hobart Area Office – Case Records of the Childrens Court in Southern Tasmania were created between 1962 and 1980. They contain personal information about children who came before the Children’s Court between these dates. Access Conditions Closed D75 years D75 means these records are closed to the general public for 75 years from the date…
The Record Cards of Children Organised by the Type of Order They Received were created by Departmental Child Welfare Officers between 1955 and 1990. The types of orders mentioned in these records include interim orders, remand for observation, and child protection orders. Access Conditions Closed D75 years D75 means these records are closed to the…
The Record Cards of Children who Received Remands and Warrants were created by Departmental Child Welfare Officers between 1956 and 1978. Access Conditions Closed D75 years D75 means these records are closed to the general public for 75 years from the date of the last entry in them. People wishing to access these records should…