The Maintenance of Deserted Wives and Children 1863 was also known by its full title “An Act to provide for the Maintenance and Support of deserted Wives and Children in this Colony” (Act no. 27 Vict. No.14). This act repealed and replaced the Maintenance of Deserted Wives and Children Act of 1837. This new act…
The Maintenance of Deserted Wives and Children 1837 (Act no. 8Wm. IV No.9) with the full title ‘An Act to provide for the Maintenance of deserted Wives and Children’ was enacted on 18 August 1837. This piece of legislation set out guidelines for the indenture of ‘abandoned’ children between 13 and 21 years of age…
The Reports Relating to Mental Health date from 1924 to 1952. They include the annual and other reports presented to the Department of Public Health reporting on the activities of the Mental Deficiency Board, Millbrook Rise Psychopathic Hospital, Lachlan Park Hospital, Division of Mental Hygiene and the State Psychological Clinic. Reports contain administrative details and…
The Elim Maternity Hospital List of Babies Adopted dates from 1971 to 1973. It includes the adoptive parents’ name, address, baby’s name, date of birth, and date of placement. Access Conditions Access to personal information in these records is subject to conditions to protect the privacy of individuals. Care Leavers wishing to access these records…
The Elim Maternity Hospital Register of Babies dates from 1927 to 1970. It includes the date of birth, where born, the date of discharge, a summary of the baby’s health status on discharge, for instance, ‘good’ or ‘fair’. It also includes the outcome, that is, adopted, fostered or sent home with mother, and the future…
The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children was endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments in April 2009. It sets out a plan to ensure the safety and well being of Australian children and to reduce levels of abuse and neglect. It is a long term project with a finish date in 2020. Goals are…
The Inquiry by the Auditor-General into Out of Home Care began in 20011 and reported in 2012. Its purpose was to find out whether out of home care offered effective child protection. The Auditor-General recommended better documentation, support and training of carers, and more planning for children and young people’s transition out of state care….
Please contact Mara House through Colony 47: Postal address: PO Box 337, Hobart TAS 7002 Phone: (03) 6231 2782 or 0418 315 027 Website:
Mara House Records are stored securely and then destroyed under secure conditions seven years after a young woman reaches the age of 18. Access Conditions Mara House records are closed but young women may access their personal files by contacting Mara House directly.
The Industrial Department was established around 1916. It was responsible for the Labour Bureau and state immigration. In 1930, the Industrial Department closed and its activities were transferred to the Charitable Grants Department. Pearce gives the starting date for the immigration functions of the Department as 1925. However, Wettenhall gives 1916. In 1924, the Industrial…