The Infants Relief Act also known by the full title ‘An Act to amend the Law as to the Contracts of Infants’ (Act no.39 Vict. No.4) rendered contracts for money, goods or any accounts owed or lent signed by infants invalid. This act was repealed by Minors Contracts Act 1988 (Act No.26) on 29 September…
The Guardianship and Custody of Infants Act 1957 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend the Guardianship and Custody of Infants Act 1934’ (Act no.53/1957) empowered fathers to make applications to the court regarding custody of children. Previously only the mother could make a application. This legislation was repealed by Statute Law…
The Infants’ Custody Act 1874 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend the Law as to the Custody of Infants'(Act no. 38 Vict. No.8) legislated that mothers have custody rights over their own children who are under the age of 16. In addition the legislation specified that any prior custody agreements between…
The Guardianship and Custody of Infants Act 1934 was also known by its full title ‘An Act to consolidate certain Enactments relating to the Guardianship and Custody of Infants’ (Act no.25 Geo. V No.29). The Guardianship and Custody of Infants Act 1934 repealed a number of acts including: The Infants’ Custody Act 1874 (Act no.38…
The Industrial Schools Act 1863 (Act no. 27 Vict. No.24) established the Hobart Town Female Refuge (also known as the Hobart Girls’ Industrial School) before being repealed and replaced in 1867 by a new Industrial Schools Act (Act no.31 Vict. No.37). This act enabled female children between 12 and 16 years to be detained in…
The Infants’ Welfare Act 1940 also known by its full title “An Act to amend the Infants’ Welfare Act 1935′”(Act no.4 & 5 Geo. VI No.79) makes a number of changes to the Infants Welfare Act 1935 (Act no.26 Geo.V No.79). This amendment act was repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1958 (Act no.36/1958) on…
The Children’s Charter Amendment Act 1921 also known by the full title ‘An Act to amend “The Children’s Charter’” (Act no.12 Geo.V No.62) amended The Children of the State Act 1918 to explicitly allow for the imprisonment of children who commit indictable offences. This legislation was repealed by the Infants Welfare Act 1935 (Act no….
The Training Schools Amendment Act 1885 also known by its full title “An Act to further amend ‘The Training Schools Act 1867′” (Act no.49 Vict. No.26) repealed in full the amendments made in 1880. The Training Schools Amendment Act 1885 was repealed by the Youthful Offenders, Destitute and Neglected Children Act 1896. The Training Schools…
The Public Welfare Institutions Act 1973 also known by the full title “An Act to amend the Public Welfare Institutions Act 1935″(Act no.47/1973) sets regulations for the establishment, management and closing of institution-managed personal financial accounts for persons living in institutions. This legislation was repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1985 (Act no.51/1985). The Public…
The Training Schools Amendment Act 1880 also known by its full title “An Act to amend ‘The Training Schools Act 1880′”(Act no.44 Vict. No.5) changed the maximum age of children detained in a Training School from 16 to 18. The amendment also made some structural changes to the original legislation by splitting one paragraph up…