
The Public Health Amendment Act 1909, Tasmania

The Public Health Amendment Act 1909 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no.9 Edw. VII no.28) redefined the term hospital and added more detail to regulations regarding evidence given by Analysts relating to allegations food or medicine was inappropriately sold or distributed. This may include…

The Public Health Amendment Act 1910, Tasmania

The Public Health Amendment Act 1910 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no. 1 Geo. V No.56) legislated for the recuperation of cost of treating persons admitted to hospitals for treatment of infectious diseases by local authorities as well as the removal of a person…

The Public Health Amendment Act 1908, Tasmania

The Public Health Amendment Act 1908 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no. 8 Edw. VII no.16) makes significant changes to The Public Health Act 1903 (Act no. 3 Edw VII. No.37). This amending act was repealed in 1935 by The Public Health Act 1935…

The Public Health Amendment Act 1896, Tasmania

The Public Health Amendment Act 1896 also known by its full title ‘An Act to further amend “The Public Health Act 1885″‘ (Act no. 60 Vict. No.38) provided further regulation on dairy farms and the sale of dairy products, reporting of infectious disease outbreaks, the treatment of the human remains of people who had died…

The Public Health Amendment Act 1907, Tasmania

The Public Health Amendment Act 1907 also known by the full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act, 1903″‘ (Act no. 7 Edw.VII no.50) amends section 173 of The Public Health Act 1903 (Act no. 3 Edw. VII no. 37) which deals with the recovery of expenses and penalties that occur due to…

The Public Health Act 1887, Tasmania

The Public Health Act 1887 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend “The Public Health Act 1885″‘(Act no. 51 Vict. No.35) placed the Boards of Health and Health Officers created by The Public Health Act 1885 under the authority of municipal councils. The Public Health Act 1887 also mandated a specific period…

The Public Health Act 1889, Tasmania

The Public Health Act 1889 also known by its full title ‘An Act to further amend “The Public Health Act 1885″‘ (Act no. 53 Vict. No.39) made substantial changes to the regulation of new streets, buildings, ‘noxious’ trades, and cemeteries. Noxious trades included trades that generated high levels of what today we would call pollution…

The Public Health Act 1885, Tasmania

The Public Health Act 1885 also known by the full title ‘An Act to provide for the Conservation of the Public Health’ (Act no. 49 Vict. No.18). This extensive document was produced in response to a devastating series of epidemics in the 1880s and acted to create local boards of health. This act was repealed…

Destitute Children Act 1875, Tasmania

The Destitute Children At 1875 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend the Law relating to Destitute Children'(Act no.39 Vict. No.5) amended the Training Schools Act 1867 (Act no. 31 Vict. No.36) and the Industrial Schools Act 1867 (31 Vict. No.37). This amendment and the two acts it amends were all repealed…

Age of Majority Act 1973, Tasmania

The Age of Majority Act 1973 also known by its full title ‘An Act to amend the law relating to the age of majority and to the time when a particular age is attained, to provide for matters incidental thereto, and to amend certain enactments’ (Act no. 47/1973) makes changes to the age at which…