The Bridge Industrial Home was the new name given to The Bridge Rescue Home in 1934. Run by the Salvation Army it was located in Gilbert Street, Adelaide, and provided accommodation and training for teenage girls. Girls living at the Industrial Home worked in a laundry that operated at the Home. In the 1970s it…
The Magill Training Centre was the new name for government’s secure care facility, the South Australian Youth Training Centre from 1993. At this time older offenders were moved to the Cavan Training Centre and Magill was used for young people only. Young women were also moved from the South Australian Youth Remand and Assessment Centre…
The Anglican Social Welfare Bureau was the new name for the Church of England Social Welfare Bureau from 1981. The name changed when the Church of England in Australia and Tasmania became the Anglican Church of Australia. The Anglican Social Welfare Bureau provided support and advice for people in need of assistance. It was also…
In September 1860 the Legislative Council of South Australia agreed to examine the social conditions of the Aboriginal people of South Australia in order to ascertain the impact of European settlement. A Select Committee conducted a ten day hearing and a report was tabled on 16 October 1860. In September 1860 the Legislative Council of…
The Royal Commission on the Aborigines was appointed on 19 December 1912 to inquire into and provide a report on ‘the control, organisation and management of the institutions in this [South Australia] set aside for the benefit of the aborigines’. It was also asked to report ‘generally upon the whole question of the South Australian…
The Children’s Protection Act 1993 (Act No.93/1993) was assented to on 4 November 1993 and commenced Ss 27-36, 49 & 59: 5 January 1995; remainder: 1 January 1994. Its long title is ‘An Act to provide for the care and protection of children; and for other purposes.’ Section 5 includes provisions relating to dealing with…
The Youth Court Act 1993 (Act No. 58/1993) was assented to on 27 May 1993 and commenced on 1 January 1994. Its full title is: ‘An Act to establish the Youth Court of South Australia; to define its jurisdiction and powers; to make a consequential amendment to the Courts Administration Act 1993; and for other…
The Young Offenders Act 1993 (Act No. 57/1993) was assented to on 27 May 1993 and commenced on 1 January 1994. Its full title is ‘An Act to reconstitute the juvenile justice system in this State; and for other purposes’. It includes the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle.
The Children’s Protection and Young Offenders Act 1979 (Act No. 44/1979) was passed on 15 March 1979 and commenced on 1 July 1979, except S50(2) commencing on 19 February 1981. S9(3)(b) and s50(3) were repealed. The full title of the Act was “An Act to provide for the protection, care and rehabilitation of children; to…
The Adoption Act 1988 (Act No. 90/1988) was assented to on 1 December 1988 and commenced on 17 August 1989. Its long title is ‘An Act to provide for the adoption of children; to repeal the Adoption of Children Act, 1967; to amend the Children’s Protection and Young Offenders Act, 1979; and for other purposes’….