
Admission Register, August 1956-June 1968, St Joseph’s Refuge Fullarton

Begins with index on tabbed letter pages, giving surname, number and page number. Handwritten entries follow under printed columns on one page: (1) Date, (2) Number, (3) Name in full, (4) Age, (5) Where from, (6) When left, (7) Where gone to, (8) Married or Single, (9) Remarks. Notes on contents – (9) Remarks: Many…

Photographs, St Joseph’s Orphanage Largs Bay

The Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives hold a small number of photographs of the orphanage at Largs Bay. Access Conditions The Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives is open to the public from 9.30 to 4.30 Monday to Friday, but access to the Archives is by appointment only. Students and researchers may be allowed access to the Archives…

Annual Reports – Morialta Protestant Children’s Home

Annual Reports – Morialta Protestant Children’s Home comprises yearly reports about homes under the control of the Department of Social Welfare, and its predecessors. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care in…

Records of St John’s Boys Town

According to the Archivist, the Salesians of Don Bosco Province Centre Archives holds only limited information regarding the running of St John’s Boys Town, and no personal records of former residents of the Home. The Archivist regrets that he does not know of the location of personal files relating to former residents. Access Conditions The…

Miscellaneous correspondence and reports, St John’s Boys Town

Miscellaneous documents including correspondence, reports and news clippings relating to establishment, rules and regulations of home. Many later documents concern transfer of home from Brothers of St John the Baptist to Salesians of Don Bosco. No documents concern individual admissions or provide names of boys. Access Conditions Please contact the Professional Standards Office Records Service…

Register of Admissions to the Roman Catholic Boy’s Reformatory, Brooklyn Park

Entries across two pages. Left hand page: (1) Number, (2) Name, (3) Age, (4) Date of birth, (5) Late place of residence, (6) What relatives in the colony, (7) Religion. Right hand page: (8) Court of Committal, (9) Reasons for Admission, (10) Date of Admission, (11) Date of Leaving, (12) Where gone to. Notes on…

Correspondence files (‘CW & PRD’ and ‘SW’ files) -Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department and successors

Correspondence dockets comprising files of letters and other documents related to a particular subject, filed chronologically. Most of this correspondence is not yet indexed but dockets relate to many different subjects and include correspondence related to homes run by the Catholic Church, and the Salvation Army, under the control of the Department. Some dockets relate…

Lists of state wards, Social Welfare Department and Predecessors

Lists of state wards at the Boys Training School Magill, Home of the Good Shepherd and Vaughan House. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care in South Australia are open for access,…

Reformatory, St John’s via Kapunda, 1897-1909 [Correspondence], Catholic Girls Reformatory Kapunda

The Archival Series titled ‘Reformatory, St John’s via Kapunda, 1897 – 1909, is a manila folder containing miscellaneous correspondence relating to closure of the Catholic Girls Reformatory, and the removal of children to other institutions. No names of children are mentioned in these records. Access Conditions Please contact the Professional Standards Office Records Service for…

Annual Reports of the State Children’s Council and the Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department

The Archival Series, Annual Reports of the State Children’s Council and the Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department, is made up of yearly reports containing updates on developments at Homes under the control of the State Children’s Council and its successor, the Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Board. Some information on Cottage Homes can also…