
Register of Admissions – Industrial School, Boys Reformatory School, and Girls Reformatory School

This Register of Admissions contains entries for children admitted to the Industrial School (1862-1877), the Boys Reformatory School (1869-1882), and the Girls Reformatory School (1871-1882). Although the register appears to have started in 1873, it does contain entries for children admitted from 1862. Access Conditions This Register is Open Access and can be viewed at…

Register of Admissions to the Boys Reformatory, Magill

Title across top, Register of Admissions to the Boys’ Reformatory. Entries over two pages. Left hand page: (1) Number; (2) Name; (3) Age; (4) Date of birth; (5) Late place of residence; (6) What relatives in the Colony, where Living, Earnings, and Occupation; (7) Religion. Right hand page: (8) Court of committal, (9) Reasons for…

Register of Admissions to the Reformatory Hulk and Boys Reformatory, Magill

This register is a very large leather bound volume with ‘CASES BOOK – REFORMATORY HULK’ embossed on the spine. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care in South Australia are open for…

Register of Admissions to the Reformatory Hulk, Fitzjames

Title across top as above. Date in top left hand corner. Entries across two pages. Left hand page: (1) Number; (2) Name; (3) Age; (4) Ship; (5) How long in Australian colonies; (6) Date of arrival in South Australia; (7) Late place of residence; (8) Usual occupation; (9) What relatives in the Colony, where living,…

Case files relating to Aboriginal families and individuals, Social Welfare Department and Predecessors

Files relating to families and individuals, arranged alphabetically by surname. Files were begun by the Aborigines Department but then transferred and maintained by the Department of Social Welfare and its successors. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early…

Case files relating to deceased Aborigines, Social Welfare Department and Predecessors

Files relating to Aboriginal people deceased by 1971. Arranged alphabetically by surname. Files were begun by the Aborigines Department but then transferred and maintained by the Department of Social Welfare and its successors. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some…

Adoption files, Children’s Welfare and Public Relief Department and successor agencies

Files containing personal information about adopted children and their adoptive parents. Arranged alphabetically by adopting parent’s surnames from 1971. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care in South Australia are open for…

Client files, Social Welfare Department and its successors

Closed files on individual clients of the department including children. Arranged alphabetically. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care in South Australia are open for access, most records relating to children are…

Rough register of children available for adoption, Social Welfare Department and Predecessors

List of names of children available for adoption with date of birth and location. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care in South Australia are open for access, most records relating to…

Mortality record book of children in the care of the Department, Social Welfare Department and Predecessors

Book gives: (1) Name of child, (2) Age at time of death, (3) Where placed at time of death, (4) Cause of death. Arranged chronologically. Access Conditions A Research Centre Members card, obtainable at the Archives, is required to research records held at State Records. Although some very early records relating to children in care…