
Church of England Social Welfare Bureau

The Church of England Social Welfare Bureau was established in 1947. The Bureau provided advice, assistance and support to people in need. The Bureau was closely involved with the placement of children into Anglican Homes and into foster care. The Church of England Social Welfare Bureau changed its name to the Anglican Social Welfare Bureau…

Ru Rua Nursing Home

Ru Rua Nursing Home opened in North Adelaide in 1978. It provided accommodation for children and young adults with severe and multiple disabilities. In 1981, Estcourt House at Grange was renovated, and Ru Rua Nursing Home moved to these upgraded premesis. In 1982, it became part of the newly created Intellectual Disability Services Council. Ru…

Disability Services – Disability SA

Disability Services is part of Disability SA which is a government department created in 2006 to assist and provide support services for people with disabilities. The Intellectual Disability Services Council and Julia Farr Service were absorbed into this new department. The aim of Disability SA was to bring together all services for people with disabilities…

Intellectual Disability Services Council

The Intellectual Disability Services Council was created as a health centre under the South Australian Health Commission Act 1976. It was governed by an independent Board of Directors which included parents of children with intellectual disabilities. The role of IDSC was to plan and provide support and advocacy services to people with intellectual disabilities and…

Client files of Disability Services South Australia

This collection cosists of client records from The Home for Incurables and its successors, and from institutions run by the Intellectually Disabled Services Council, including the Strathmont Centre and Ru Rua Nursing Home. These records include client registers and files. The records may also contain information related to other private disability services such as Minda…

Sisters of St Joseph Archives, Adelaide – Contact Details

Please contact the Archivist, Sisters of St Joseph Archives, Adelaide: Postal Address: PO Box 57, Kent Town SA 5071 Phone: (08) 8130 5920 Email: Website:

Department of the Interior, Commonwealth Government

A new Commonwealth Department of the Interior was created in 1939 when a number of matters under the control of the original Department of the Interior were transferred to other portfolios. Among many other matters, the second Department of the Interior was responsible for overseeing the emigration of children and Aboriginal people. It also retained…

Balaklava Aboriginal Welfare Institution

The Balaklava Aboriginal Welfare Institution was established by the Commonwealth Government in 1942 at the Balaklava Racecourse as a temporary accommodation facility for Aboriginal people evacuated from the Northern Territory during World War II. It accommodated women and children and a small number of men. Several farms in the surrounding area were also used to…

Department of the Interior, Commonwealth Government

The Commonwealth Department of the Interior was created in 1932 when the Departments of Home Affairs, Transport and Works and Railways were amalgamated. The new department took over responsibility for numerous matters including the emigration of children and Aboriginal people. It was also responsible for the Northern Territory. In 1939 after changes of responsibility within…

South Australian Spastic Paralysis Welfare Association

The South Australian Spastic Paralysis Welfare Association was first formed in 1948 to provide assistance to children suffering from Cerebral Palsy. It was formed by the parents of children with disabilities in the Western suburbs of Adelaide and was incorporated in 1950. It purchased property at 98 Woodville Rd Woodville and after successful fundraising opened…