
Handicapped Children (Assistance) Act 1970, Commonwealth of Australia

The Handicapped Children (Assistance) Assistance Act 1970 provided subsidies for the training and accommodation of people under the age of 21 with disabilities. This provided much needed funds to hostels for children with disabilities.

Child Evacuee

Child evacuees were removed from their homes in Britain during World War Two in order to escape the air raids. As well as sending children to safer rural locations in Britain, around 3000 children were sent to Commonwealth countries. These evacuations were administered by the Children’s Overseas Reception Board. 577 British children came to Australia…

Preventive Payment Scheme

The Preventive Payment Scheme was designed to prevent children going into residential care by making payments to families undergoing a serious financial crisis. The Commonwealth government funded it. In 1979-80, the Tasmanian State government replaced it with a Family Assistance Scheme which operated similarly. Click here to see the full Find & Connect glossary

Inquiry into Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices, Commonwealth of Australia

The Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices was a Senate Committee Inquiry that began in 2011. The Inquiry resulted from the efforts over many years of mothers who were separated from their children by adoption. The Senate Committee invited interested individuals and organisations to make submissions. It reported in February 2012. The…

Single Mothers

Single mothers (also referred to as unmarried mothers) historically often struggled to support their babies and to deal with the social stigma attached to their situation. These women (and their children who were born ‘out of wedlock’) were the targets of various charitable endeavours in Australia from the earliest days of white settlement. Until perhaps…

Adoptions – South Australia – Contact Details

Please contact the Freedom of Information Team at the Department for Child Protection: Phone: (08) 8226 4399 Postal address: Ground Floor, Building 2, 300 Richmond Road, Netley SA 5037 Email: Website:

Adoption (Review) Amendment Act 2016, South Australia

The Adoption (Review) Amendment Act 2016 (no 64 of 2016) amended the Adoption Act 1988. It was passed in December 2016, following an independent review of the Adoption Act, conducted in 2014-15. This act made significant changes to adoption law in South Australia. The main amendments that were passed in the Adoption (Review) Amendment Act…

Adoptions – South Australia

Adoptions – South Australia is part of the Department for Child Protection. Previously, it was called the Adoption and Family Information Service. It is the central authority in South Australia to provide adoption support, advice and access to information. In 2018, the Department for Child Protection published a Guideline, titled: ‘Provision of adoption information and…

Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, South Australia

The Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 (no. 25 of 2017) repealed the Children’s Protection Act 1993. This legislation contains a number of reforms, implementing recommendations from the Child Protection Systems Royal Commission which reported in 2016. The Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 introduced changes to how Care Leavers are provided with…

Child Protection Systems Royal Commission, South Australia

The Child Protection Systems Royal Commission was established in August 2014 to investigate the adequacy of the child protection system in South Australia. Royal Commissioner Margaret Nyland reported to the government on 5 August 2016. The report, titled ‘The life they deserve’ made 260 recommendations for improvements to the child protection system.