
St Vincent de Paul Orphanage

St Vincent de Paul Orphanage was established by the Catholic Church in 1866 in Gilberton. In 1867 it took in Catholic children from the Grace Darling Hotel. The Orphanage moved to Adelaide in 1868, to Mitcham in 1872, Burnside in 1875 and Millswood in 1888. The Orphanage was run by the Orphanage Board from 1866…

Sisters of the Resurrection

Sisters of the Resurrection is a Polish Order of Catholic nuns that was established in Rome in 1891. In Melbourne an order of the Sisters of the Resurrection was established in 1952 and ran ‘Resurrection House’ in Essendon from 1952 to 1971. Between 1956 and 1978, the Resurrection Sisters ran St Stanislaus House in Royal…

St Stanislaus House

St Stanislaus House was opened in 1956 in Royal Park. Also known as the Polish Orphanage, it was run by the Resurrection Sisters and accommodated orphans, children from broken homes and children whose mothers were out at work or were ill. Some children were of primary school age and attended local Catholic schools. Staffing shortages…

St Vincent’s Trust Endowment Society

St Vincent’s Trust Endowment Society ran St Joseph’s Refuge, Fullarton between 1992 and 2001.

St Joseph’s Refuge

St Joseph’s Refuge was established in Adelaide by the Catholic Church in 1868. Run by the Sisters of St Joseph, it provided refuge for unmarried mothers and children to the age of three years. Older children went to St Joseph’s Orphanage, Largs Bay. The refuge moved to Mitcham, Norwood and then Fullarton in 1901. In…

Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives

The Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives holds records created by the successive bishops and archbishops of Adelaide and their associated parishes, diocesan offices and agencies. The Archives holds administrative, historical and photographic records related to Homes run by the Catholic Church. It also holds all issues of The Southern Cross newspaper, 1889 to present. No personal…

St Joseph’s Orphanage Largs Bay

St Joseph’s Orphanage at Largs Bay, formerly St Joseph’s Sanatorium, opened in 1907. Run by the Sisters of St Joseph it took in infants and school age children. From 1941 it accommodated only boys aged 3 to 12. Girls were sent to St Vincent de Paul Orphanage, Goodwood and older boys to St John’s Boystown,…

Salesians of Don Bosco

The Salesians of Don Bosco are an international organisation of Catholic priests and brothers who work with disadvantaged and marginalised young people. They were founded by the Italian priest Saint John Bosco in the mid nineteenth century. The first Salesians came to the Kimberley region of Australia in 1922 in order to run a mission….

Brothers of St John the Baptist

The Catholic Order of the Brothers of St John the Baptist was founded by Father John Healy of the Thebarton parish in around 1892. The Order ran a reformatory called St John the Baptist Home for Boys. In 1941, the Salesians of Don Bosco took over management of the St John the Baptist Home for…

St John the Baptist Home for Boys

St John the Baptist Home for Boys was established in 1898 in Brooklyn Park. Run by the Brothers of St John the Baptist and under the control of the government, it took in Catholic boys from the Boys’ Reformatory, Magill. In 1941 the Home became a private Catholic reformatory known as St John’s Boys Town….