Birth registers list all the births, including still births, at the Hospital. They record the mother’s name, date and time of birth, length and weight of the baby. These records are now held by Prince of Wales Hospital. Access Conditions Access to information relating to adoption cases is restricted to the adoptee and the birth…
The amount of information available in these records varies depending on the time period. Earlier records are less comprehensive than records dating from the 1960s. Information given may include mother’s name, address, where transferred from, age, occupation, and religion. Later records also include the mother’s date of birth and, occasionally, details of next of kin….
These are records created by Taldree and held by Museums of History NSW (State Archives). The collection includes admission and discharge registers, appeals registers, bail books, isolation (punishment) books, and daily log books. Access Conditions Access to these records is currently restricted. In New South Wales, records relating to individuals, such as case files and…
This series, Benevolent Society adoption register [Dependent Children and Adoptions Branch, Department of Community Services], covers records relating to the adoption of children between 1969 and 1975 through the Benevolent Society of New South Wales. This series is made up of two books or volumes that contain entries relating to adoptive parents, birth parents, and…
The series Presbyterian Adoption Agency adoption registers [Dependent Children and Adoptions Branch, Department of Community Services] covers records relating to the adoption of children between 1966 and 1975 through the Presbyterian Adoption Agency. This series is made up of two books or volumes that contain entries relating to adoptive parents, birth parents, and children who…
These are records created by Minda Remand Centre and held by Museums of History NSW (State Archives). The records contain information about children at Minda, and include case files, medical records, visitor books, punishment registers, and property registers. The majority of these records date from between 1966 and 1976. Access Conditions Access to these records…
This archival series, Private Adoption files [Dependent Children and Adoptions Branch, Department of Community Services] contains records dated between 1956 and 1967. The records in this collection relate to private applications to the Supreme Court for the adoption of children referred to the Department for report. The records in this series are mainly reports about…
This series, Private adoption agency contact files [Dependent Children and Adoptions Branch, Department of Community Services], held by the State Records Authority of New South Wales, contains records relating to private agency adoptions between 1950 and 1975 in New South Wales. Many of the records in this series are from the Queen Victoria Hospital for…
This archival series, Applications and adoption files for state wards [Dependent Children and Adoptions Branch, Department of Community Services], relates to adoptions of State Wards through the New South Wales state government. The records in this series are dated between 1940 and 1961 and are mostly created by the New South Wales state government Child…
This archival series, Adoption Files [Dependent Children and Adoptions Branch, Department of Community Services], relate to adoptions where the New South Wales state government department in charge of child ‘welfare’ and ‘services’ at the time was the intermediary between the adoptive and birth parents. The records in this series are dated from 1947 to 1974…