
Kyle Williams Legacy Home

Kyle Williams Legacy Home, on the George’s River at Blakehurst, was set up as a children’s home under the terms of the will of Caroline Milne Williams in 1947. It was operated by Sydney Legacy from 1947 until 1985. Kyle Williams Home was a convalescent home for children aged between 3 and 8. In 1985,…

New Anchor

New Anchor was a group home established in Jannali around 1990 by the Presbyterian Social Services Department. It was a supported family home with places available for six 12 to 16 year olds. It closed around 1999.

Presbyterian Social Services

Presbyterian Social Services Child and Family Programme auspiced three medium to long term youth accommodation programs in Sydney. These were Kyle Williams Home at 52 Waratah Street, Blakehurst, New Anchor home at 79 Sutherland Road, Jannali, and Cornerstone at 20 Wrentmore Street, Fairfield. By 2010, all youth accommodation services had closed. By the mid 2010s,…

St Joseph’s Home for Children, Croydon

St Joseph’s Home, Croydon, run by the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, was established in 1925. It was intended for the care of boys and girls (including siblings) aged three to seven years who were defined as orphans, neglected and destitute. St Joseph’s Home amalgamated with St Anthony’s Croydon at the end…

St Joseph’s Orphanage, Kincumber

St Joseph’s Orphanage, Kincumber, on the Central Coast, opened in 1887 and was run by the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. It first housed boys aged 7 to 15, but by the 1970s accommodated boys and girls. More than 2,500 children passed through St Joseph’s Orphanage by the time it closed in…

St Joseph’s Providence

St Joseph’s Providence, or The Providence, operated at Dawes Point from 1880 then moved to The Rocks in 1881. Run by Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, The Providence took in boys and girls, and homeless women, as well as providing meals for destitute men. The Providence closed in 1901. The Sisters of…

St Joseph’s Girls’ Home

St Joseph’s Girls Home was established in ‘Gladstone House’ at Lane Cove (Gore Hill) in 1900. The home was a replacement for St Joseph’s Providence at The Rocks. It housed around 90 girls aged 5 to 15. By the 1970s the Home was divided into units for small group accommodation. St Joseph’s Girls’ Home closed…

St Anthony’s Home Croydon

In 1925, St Anthony’s Home, which was run by the Society of St Vincent De Paul, moved from Petersham to Croydon. It was a home for unmarried pregnant women and cared for them and their babies for up to 12 months after the birth. Mothers then chose whether to keep their child or adopt the…

Archives of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph

The Archives of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart hold the official records of the Congregation dating back to the foundation of the religious order. It no longer holds any records of children’s Homes operated by the Sisters of St Joseph. In 2020, records of children’s Homes are held…

St Anthony’s Petersham

St Anthony’s was opened in 1922 by the Society of St Vincent De Paul, first in St Peters, and then in Petersham. It was not intended to provide long term residential care. Several hundred adoptions and foster placements were arranged from Petersham. In 1925 the home became St Anthony’s Home Croydon. St Anthony’s was developed…