
The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families

The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition, understanding and reparation for people who were sent as child migrants from their countries of birth. The IAFCM&F has presented submissions to various Inquiries into child migration. The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition,…

National Archives of Australia

The National Archives of Australia (NAA) was established in 1998. It was formerly known as the Australian Archives. The National Archives collects, preserves and makes publicly available records of the Australian government. The collection includes records related to family history research, as well as records relevant specifically to child welfare and child migration. The head…

Rabbit Island Mental Hospital

Rabbit Island Mental Hospital was a government run institution established in around 1917. It was previously known as the Rabbit Island Hospital for the Insane. It was run by the Inspector General of Mental Hospitals. In 1936 it became known as the Peat and Milson Islands Mental Hospital. Rabbit Island Mental Hospital was an institution…

Singleton Home

The Singleton Home was established by Retta Long and the Aborigines Inland Mission (AIM) in a rented house in Singleton in 1905. It started as a girls’ home, although some adult members of the St Clair and Singleton communities stayed there. It became the Singleton Children’s Home in 1910, after the Aborigines Protection Board began…

Zuill Home

Zuill Home was a family group home set up by the United Protestant Association at Grafton in 1984. Little is known about this home. It closed around 1993.

George Green Home

George Green Home was a family group home set up by the United Protestant Association in 1982 at Grafton. It is thought to have closed around 1993.

Depots, Homes And Hostel Files [School Attendance/Licensing Branch, Department of Community Services]

Depots, Homes And Hostel Files contain applications for licences to conduct a depot, home or hostel. On 1 November 1969, amendments to Part VII of the Child Welfare Act became effective, and, as a result, all places defined as a Depot, Home or Hostel which provided residential care for six or more children up to…

Social Workers’ Case Files (Closed Cases), Benevolent Society of New South Wales

Social Workers’ Case Files (Closed Cases) include client history data sheets, record of ‘presenting problem’, assistance provided, correspondence and case notes. Access Conditions These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society must be obtained. At the time of application proof of ID and/or proof of relationship to the person in the records…

Hohnen House

Hohnen House was opened in 1988 at Campsie as an independent living programme and in 2012 was part of Barnardos adolescent programs.

Christina Campbell Farm Home

Christina Campbell Farm Home was opened as part of the Burnside Presbyterian Orphan Homes in March 1941 at North Parramatta. It operated until 1952.