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Western Australia - Organisation

The Committee (1868 - 1888)

Anglican and Care Provider

The Committee was the first body set up by the Anglican church in Perth to govern the Perth Girls' Orphanage, and other Anglican children's Homes as they were established. In 1889 The Committee was replaced by the Orphanages' Committee.


In The Noisy Mansions (1986), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin quoted (p.6) from the rules of the Perth Protestant Orphanage, which described The Committee. It was formed by 'six gentlemen (of whom four must be resident in Perth)' elected from and by the annual subscribers to the orphanage. Annual subscribers were those people who paid 'not less than £2-2-0' each year to support the orphanage. The Anglican Bishop of Perth and the Colonial Chaplain also served on The Committee, which met 'for the transaction of business on the first Monday in every month'. Although most members of The Committee were Anglican, it was not a requirement to be so, according to Peterkin (p.18).

In 1889, The Committee was replaced by the Orphanages' Committee.



  • Peterkin, A. Roy, The Noisy Mansions : the story of Swanleigh 1868-1971, Perth Diocesan Trustees, Anglican Church of Australia, Midland, Western Australia, 1986. pp.6, 18. Details

Sources used to compile this entry: Peterkin, A. Roy, The Noisy Mansions : the story of Swanleigh 1868-1971, Perth Diocesan Trustees, Anglican Church of Australia, Midland, Western Australia, 1986. pp.6, 18.; Email from Diocesan Archivist, Anglican Diocese of Perth, 30 July 2014.

Prepared by: Debra Rosser