• Organisation

Department for Community Welfare, State of Western Australia


The Department for Community Welfare was established in 1972, and was the key government organisation responsible for child welfare in Western Australia. It took over the Child Welfare Department and the responslbilities to Aboriginal children held by the Department of Native Welfare and Commissioner of Native Welfare. The Department for Community Welfare was replaced by the Department of Community Services in 1985.

Under the Child Welfare Act Amendment Act (No. 2) 1972 the functions of the Child Welfare Department were transferred to the Department of Community Welfare.

In the same year, the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act of 1972 repealed the Native Welfare Act 1963 and the remaining functions of the Department of Native Welfare, including the responsibilites to Aboriginal children held by the Commissioner of Native Welfare, were transferred to the Department of Community Welfare from 1 July 1972.

The functions of the Department for Community Welfare, as defined by the Community Welfare Act 1972 included: promoting individual and family welfare in the community; to conduct, promote and encourage programmes of training or rehabilitation; and, to provide assistance when the welfare of any individual, family or group is threatened or in jeopardy.

The Department for Community Welfare was abolished and its name changed to the Department for Community Services on 1 January 1985.

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