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Tasmania - Legislation

The Public Health Amendment Act 1909 (1909 - 1935)

Amending Act

The Public Health Amendment Act 1909 also known by its full title 'An Act to amend "The Public Health Act, 1903"' (Act no.9 Edw. VII no.28) redefined the term hospital and added more detail to regulations regarding evidence given by Analysts relating to allegations food or medicine was inappropriately sold or distributed. This may include the intentional masking of off food with dyes or other substances or other misleading behaviour. This legislation was repealed in 1935 by The Public Health Act 1935 (Act no. 26 Geo V. No.43).

Sources used to compile this entry: Law Research Service, Melbourne Law School, Law Library, The University of Melbourne. 'Find and Connect Project - Tasmanian Legislation', 20 January 2014, held in the project files at the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre.

Prepared by: Elizabeth Daniels