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Tasmania - Legislation

New Town Mothercraft Home Agreement Act 1949 (1949 - 1998)

Principal Act

The New Town Mothercraft Home Agreement Act 1949 formalised the agreement between the Child Welfare Association and the government to transfer the Mothercraft Home to the Crown. The Act required the government to continue using the Home for the care and treatment of mothers and babies and to train mothercraft nurses. If sold, the proceeds had to go towards the support of another Mothercraft Home.


This Act was repealed by the Legislation Repeal Act 1998 (No.35) on 18 December 1998.

Related Organisations

  • Child Welfare Association (1917 - 1956)

    The Mothercraft Home Agreement Act formalised an agreement between the government and the Child Welfare Association to transfer the Mothercraft Home to the government.

  • Mothercraft Home (1925 - c. 1988)

    The Mothercraft Home Agreement Act stipulated that when the government took over the Mothercraft Home that it maintained its original usage.

Prepared by: Caroline Evans