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Queensland - Archival Series

Superintendent's Punishment Registers (1924 - 1988)

Farm Home for Boys, Westbrook, Westbrook Training Centre, Westbrook Youth Centre

14 January 1924
17 June 1988
Reference No
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Queensland State Archives Series ID

The Superintendent's Punishment Registers, Series ID 549, relate to the Farm Home for Boys, Westbrook, Westbrook Training Centre, and Westbrook Youth Centre. They provide an almost daily record of boys who were punished for minor misdemeanours while undergoing a sentence in the Westbrook reformatory.


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The Superintendent's Punishment Registers record details of boys who were punished for minor misdemeanours while undergoing a sentence in the reformatory at Westbrook.

Under the "Industrial and Reformatory Schools Act 1865", the Superintendant of the reformatory was empowered to administer punishment with regards to certain offences. Persistent or serious offencers were referred to and investigated by the Visiting Justice.

Information recorded in the register includes; date punishment imposed, name of boy, by whom reported, offence (an additional field, 'remarks' was added here later in the register), punishment, and initial of officer in charge.

Prepared by: Lee Butterworth