• Archival Collection

Minda records, State Archives NSW

To access these records

Please contact the New South Wales Department of Communities & Justice, Open Government, Information and Privacy Unit:

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Email: infoandprivacy@dcj.nsw.gov.au

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Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Numbers, NRS-14694; NRS-14695; NRS-14696; NRS-14697; NRS-14698; NRS-14699; NRS-14700; NRS-14701; NRS-14702; NRS-14703; NRS-14704; NRS-14705; NRS-14706; NRS-14707; NRS-14708; NRS-14712; NRS-14714; NRS-14715; NRS-20474; RNCG-5045; RNCG-6289

Records Location


These are records created by Minda Remand Centre and held by Museums of History NSW (State Archives). The records contain information about children at Minda, and include case files, medical records, visitor books, punishment registers, and property registers. The majority of these records date from between 1966 and 1976.

Access Conditions

Access to these records is currently restricted. In New South Wales, records relating to individuals, such as case files and correspondence are closed to public access for 100 years. Records such as registers and indexes are closed to public access for 80 years.

People wishing to access records about themselves will need to submit a GIPA (Government Information Public Access) form to the Department of Communities and Justice Open Government, Information and Privacy unit.


The following information about these records has been published in the State Archives catalogue:

  • Admission Registers (Girls’ Section), 1966-1969. Reference Number NRS-14696.
    These registers record information about girls admitted to Minda. They include information such as date of admission, child’s name, age, religious denomination, by who committed, reason for committal (offence), date of discharge, who authorized the discharge, details of appeals, notes relating to medical/psychiatric assessments, and other remarks.
  • Admission Registers (Boys’ Section), 1966-1971. Reference Number: NRS-14695.
    These registers record information about boys admitted to Minda. They include information such as date of admission, child’s name, age, religious denomination, by who committed, reason for committal (offence), date of discharge, who authorized the discharge, details of appeals, notes relating to medical/psychiatric assessments, and other remarks.
  • Daily Log Of Admissions, Discharges And Occurrences (Girls’ Section), 1968-1976. Reference Number: NRS-14697.
    These books contain daily information about girls living at Minda. They include information such as surnames and initials of girls admitted and discharged that day, total number of girls in the centre at midnight, and afternoon and night reports on both senior and junior sections, including notes on general behaviour, unusual occurrences, and names of best behaved girls, girls with the best made beds, and the best workers.
  • Daily log of admissions, discharges and occurrences (Boys’ Section), 1970-1976. Reference Number: NRS-14698.
    These books contain daily information about boys living at Minda. They include information such as surnames and initials of boys admitted and discharged that day, total number of boys in the centre at midnight, and afternoon and night reports on both senior and junior sections, including notes on general behaviour, and unusual occurrences.
  • Register of admission (boys section) [Minda Community Care School], 1966-1975. Reference Number: NRS-20474.
    This register records information about boys attending the Minda Community Care School. It includes information such as boys name, date of admission, date of birth, religious denomination, name of previous school and date left, and notes on the progress of the child in their classes. Some entries in the register also include information about the child’s parents or guardians, including their names, residence, and occupation.
  • Admission Cards (Boys’ Section), c.1972-1975. Reference Number: NRS-14694.
    These cards record information about boys admitted to Minda whose surnames begin with A-F. They contain information such as name, date and place of birth, religious denomination, parent’s names and address, boy’s occupation, date of admission, from whom received, reason for committal (offence), how they were discharged, notes on court appearances, and notes on physical description.
  • Punishment register, 1966-1972. Reference Number: NRS-14712.
    This book records information about children who received punishments at Mind. It includes information such as the name of the child, their age, the reason for punishment, the name of the complainant, and the type of punishment given.
  • Visitors’ Book (Girls’ Section), 1966-1975. Reference Number: NRS-14707
    These books record information about visitors to girls at Minda. They include information such as visitor’s name, name of the girl receiving the visitor, and the visitor’s address.
  • Visitors’ Book (Boys’ Section), 1966-1972. Reference Number: NRS-14708.
    This book records information about visitors to boys at Minda. It includes information such as visitor’s name, name of the boy receiving the visitor, and the visitor’s address.
  • Inmates’ property registers (Girls’ Section), 1966-1976. Reference Number: NRS-14705.
    These registers record information about the personal property of girls admitted to Minda. They include information such as name of the girl, date of admission, details of personal property handed over to Minda (signed by the girl and the officer), items returned to the girl on discharge, and any shortages in items returned with explanations and additional remarks.
  • Inmates’ property registers (Boys’ Section), 1966-1977. Reference Number: NRS-14706.
    These registers record information about the personal property of boys admitted to Minda. They include information such as name of the boy, date of admission, details of personal property handed over to Minda (signed by the boy and the officer), items returned to the boy on discharge, and any shortages in items returned with explanations and additional remarks.
  • Court Diaries, 1966-1976. Reference Number: NRS-14709.
    These diaries record daily information about the court attendance of children living at Minda. The include information such as child’s name, date of birth, court name, reason for hearing (offence), whether the child was escorted to the court, time of hearing, and additional notes.
  • Medical record cards (Boys’ Section), 1966-1976. Reference Number: NRS-14700.
    These cards record medical information about boys living at Minda. The include information such as name of child, date of birth, date of admission, medical data supplied, date, ailment, and treatment received.
  • Medical record cards (Girls’ Section), 1968-1976. Reference Number: NRS-14699.
    These cards record medical information about girls living at Minda. The include information such as name of child, date of birth, date of admission, medical data supplied, date, ailment, and treatment received.
  • Registers of medical treatment (Girls’ Section), 1968-1973. Reference Number: NRS-14703.
    These registers record information about girls at Minda receiving medical treatment. They include information such as date, girl’s name, nature of illness or injury, and treatment or medication given. Not all registers include information about the nature of illness or injury.
  • Registers of medical treatment (Boys’ Section), 1972-1974. Reference Number: NRS-14704.
    These registers record information about boys at Minda receiving medical treatment. They include information such as date, boy’s name, nature of illness or injury, and treatment or medication given. Not all registers include information about the nature of illness or injury.
  • Registers of Medicines Issued (Girls’ Section), 1969-1974. Reference Number: NRS-14701.
    These registers record information about girls receiving medication at Minda. They include information such as name, date, medication supplied, and sometimes brief details on the illness or injury being treated.
  • Registers of Medicines Issued (Boys’ Section), 1972-1973. Reference Number: NRS-14702.
    These registers record information about boys receiving medication at Minda. They include information such as name, date, medication supplied, and sometimes brief details on the illness or injury being treated.
  • Returns of Absconders from Other Institutions, 1967-1973. Reference Number: NRS-14715.
    These lists record the names of children who had absconded from children’s Homes and child welfare institutions in New South Wales, and had been missing for more than seven days. The lists were sent to various child welfare institutions.
  • Point Score Registers (Boys’ Section), 1968-1971. Reference Number: NRS-14714.
    These registers record privilege points that were awarded to boys at Minda for good behaviour. The pointes were tallied at the end of each week, with top scorers obtaining extra privileges.
  • Committal Register (Girls), 1969-1972. Reference Number: RNCG-6289.
    These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.
  • Minda Remand Centre, Lidcombe: Institutional files ([I] “B” files), 1978-1984. Reference Number RNCG-5045.
    These records are case files for children living at Minda. These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.

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