• Archival Collection

Institution for Boys, Tamworth and Endeavour House records, State Archives NSW

To access these records

Please contact the New South Wales Department of Communities & Justice, Open Government, Information and Privacy Unit:

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Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Numbers, NRS-19562; NRS-19563; NRS-19565; NRS-19566; NRS-19567; NRS-19568; NRS-19569; NRS-19571; NRS-19588; NRS-19596; NRS-19608; NRS-19610; NRS-19611; NRS-19613; NRS-19615; NRS-19617; NRS-19624; NRS-19630; NRS-19631; RNCG-5006

Records Location


These are records created by Institution for Boys, Tamworth, and Endeavour House, that are held by Museums of History NSW (State Archives). The records contain information about children at the Institution/Endeavour House and include admission and discharge registers, punishment registers, daily reports, medical records, correspondence, case-work meeting minutes, and other administrative records.

Access Conditions

Access to these records is currently restricted. In New South Wales, records relating to individuals, such as case files and correspondence are closed to public access for 100 years. Records such as registers and indexes are closed to public access for 80 years.

People wishing to access records about themselves will need to submit a GIPA (Government Information Public Access) form to the Department of Communities and Justice Open Government, Information and Privacy unit.


The following information about these records has been published in the State Archives catalogue:

  • Admission and discharge registers, 1948-1980. Reference Number: NRS-19559.
    These registers record information about boys admitted to Tamworth Institution for boys/Endeavour House. The information entered into the registers varies over time, but includes boys’ name, date of admission, date of birth, religion, from whom received, address, date of discharge, to whom discharged and address, how placed, and other remarks. Entries may also include information about the reason for admission (e.g. an offence committed), name of court that provided the sentence, leave the boy has gone on/returned from, whether they are on remand, and court attendances.
  • Index to residents, 1948-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19565
    This index book acts as an index to the admission and discharge registers for Institution for Boys, Tamworth, and Endeavour House (NRS-19559 listed above). The index includes information such as boy’s name, date of birth, admission date and where they came from, discharge date and where they were discharged to, and period of detention.
  • Shelter admission and discharge register , 1978-1988. Reference Number: NRS-19568.
    This register records information about individuals admitted to and discharged from the remand shelter attached to Endeavour House. The shelter accommodated male and female residents of all ages, including adults, and including visitors to Endeavour House residents who had no other accommodation. The register includes information such as date of admission, name, age, religion, from whom received, address, date of discharge, to whom discharged, address, how placed, and additional remarks.
  • Admission and Discharge Registers, weekly movements, 1980-1987. Reference Number: NRS-19562.
    These registers record information about boys living at Endeavour House. The registers include information such as boy’s name, date of admission, date of birth, religion, reason for admission (e.g. an offence committed), name of court that provided the sentence, if transferred from another institution, leave gone on/returned from, date of discharge, to whom discharged, address, and period of retention.
  • Ward Transfer and Discharge Book, 1980-1986. Reference Number: NRS-19588.
    This register records information about boys transferred between units at or discharged from Endeavour House. It includes information such as boy’s name, original ward number, forwarding unit, new ward number, effective date, and where discharged to.
  • List of Residents, 1983-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19615.
    These lists contain the names of residents at Endeavour House for a given period (either by fortnight or week). This series also contains a small amount of correspondence relating to residents, and minutes of case plans detailing individual resident’s progress. The lists include information such as full name, date of birth, date admitted, and expected date of discharge, and later also included information about transfer details, sentences, court orders, and region of origin.
  • Record of Committals, 1985-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19608.
    This book records information about boys committed to Endeavour House. It includes information such as date admitted and from where (e.g. police custody, court, or other institution), name, date of birth, religion, home address, court and date of committal, reason for committal (offence charged with), court order, age on committal, medical examination clearance, proposed residential institution, place transferred to (e.g. another institution, parole, or release), and date of transfer.
  • Admission and Discharge Books, 1987-1988. Reference Number: NRS-19563.
    These registers record information about boys living at Endeavour House. The admission register includes information such as admission number, boy’s name, date of birth, date and time of admission, from whom received, admission status (e.g. in transit, committal, or on remand), reason for admission (e.g. offence committed), projected discharge date, address prior to admission, employment status, medical condition, and discharge number (which can be cross referenced with the discharge book). The discharge register includes information such as discharge number, boy’s name, date of birth, date of discharge, reason for discharge, discharge placement (e.g to parents), discharge destination address, and admission number (which can be cross referenced with the admission book).
  • Punishment Registers, 1966-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19569.
    These registers record information about boys who received punishments at the Institution/Endeavour House. They include information such as date of offence, boy’s name, date of birth, alleged misconduct, name of complainant and witnesses, date of hearing and determination, plea, decision, and details of punishment. The headings of columns in this register suggest that punishment was originally meant to be corporal, but have been changed to reflect time in isolation.
  • Punishment Returns, 1985-1988. Reference Number: NRS-19566.
    These forms contain information about punishments received by boys at Endeavour House. The forms were sent as reports to the Department of Youth and Community Services, and include information such as date, name of boy, date of birth, type of punishment, and reason for punishment.
  • Record of Punishments, 1988-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19567.
    These forms contain information about punishments received by boys at Endeavour House. Each form records boy’s name, date of birth, reason for punishment, date and time of incident resulting in punishment, date and time of enquiry into incident, reporting officer and their position, please (guilty or not guilty), evidence submitted, decision, punishment, and reason for giving that particular punishment.
  • Medical Books, 1973-1988. Reference Number: NRS-19596.
    These books record information about boys with medical complaints or receiving medical treatment at Institution for Boys, Tamworth and Endeavour House. They include information such as date, boy’s name, complaint, and treatment, with notes on the name of medication administered or further instructions to be followed.
  • Day Books, 1975-1983. Reference Number: NRS-19610.
    These day books record information about admissions, discharges, temporary absences, absconding, and punishments delivered at Institution for Boys, Tamworth and Endeavour House. Information about boys recorded in this book includes names, dates of admissions/discharges/temporary movements, names of absconders, details of incidents, and details of punishments delivered and reasons for them.
  • Handover Books, 1975-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19571.
    These books contain notes about occurrences at Endeavour House written by officers on shift. They contain information about issues that may need to be dealt with by officers on following shifts, breaches of conduct, and observations and comments about the residents both as a whole and about individual boys. The books from 1978 onwards are more detailed than earlier books.
  • Sociograms, 1978-1988. Reference Number: NRS-19617.
    These records contain information about residents at Endeavour House. They consist of charts and notes created by staff tracking the social relationships between the residents. They rank the boys in order of popularity, note isolated boys, show various social relationships between the boys, and give the number of basic social groups, naming ‘dominant’ members.
  • Subject Files, 1980-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19624.
    These files predominantly relate to administrative matters at Endeavour House, e.g. internal meeting minutes and correspondence. However, they do also contain records of complaints from residents.
  • Daily Reports, 1985-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19631.
    These forms are daily reports completed by officers on shift at Endeavour House, reporting on occurrences during their shift. The forms include information such as number of residents, any behavioral issues, work performed by residents, details on residents being escorted elsewhere, notes about visitors, and notes on resident’s recreational activities.
  • Unregistered Files, 1986-1989. Reference Number: NRS-19630.
    These files contain a variety of types of records, include correspondence, case plan meeting notes, reports and reviews of residents, incident reports, and lists of residents at Endeavour House. They also contain more administrative information ranging from menus and activity plans to budgets, procedures, and staff training information.
  • Abscondence Book, 1987-1988. Reference Number: NRS-19611.
    This book records information about boys who absconded from Endeavour House. It includes information such as date (by week), unit, abscondence number, admission number, name, date of birth, date and time of absence, place from which absconded, date warrant issued and date warrant satisfied (date the child was found).
  • Escort Handover Book, 1989. Reference Number: NRS-19613.
    This book contains information about residents of Endeavour House who were transported to another location (e.g. court, hospital, or other facilities). It includes information such as date, name of resident, name of escorts, and notes about reason for transport, the journey, the boy’s behaviour, and any follow-up actions required.
  • Endeavour House History, undated. Reference Number: RNCG-5006.
    These records have not yet been fully processed, and so no further description is available.

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