• Film

Exposing The Truth About Boystown: Breaking the Silence

Publication Resource Details

  • In

    60 Minutes Australia

  • Publication Date

    16 September 2012

  • Publisher

    ninemsn Pty Ltd

  • URL

  • Description

    The video's opening statement describes the content: "This is the hardest journey to make for these men. They're returning to a place that's haunted them their entire adult lives. A place filled with painful memories, that very quickly flood back. This is BoysTown, or what is left of it. Just an hour out of Brisbane, it was both home and school for the boys who had nowhere else to go. They were the vulnerable ones who had been abandoned, orphaned or just got into a bit too much trouble. Here though, they were promised a loving, caring environment and hope for the future. But this place hid terrible secrets, and now, for the first time, you will hear what really went on behind closed doors at BoysTown."

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