Plowman, David
Publication Date
Scholastic Press Australia
Place Published
Broadway, Nedlands, Western Australia
David Plowman is Winthrop Professor of Management and Organisations at the University of Western Australia Business School. He is also a former child migrant from Malta, and was a student at St Mary's Agricultural School at Tardun. This detailed history of Tardun includes chapters on the child migration years (chapter 9), a history of the Presentation Sisters' and Sisters of Nazareth's involvement with Tardun (chapter 11) and details about the Land Settlement Scheme (chapter 10). Detailed discussion of the Christian Brothers' approach to education and child development is covered in chapter 2, and the establishment and development of Tardun as a Farm School is the main subject of the other chapters. At the time of publication, St Mary's Agricultural School, Tardun was still operating. It has since closed.