This Aboriginals Ordinance 1918 (Act no. 9/1918) combined and replaced the Northern Territory Aboriginals Act of 1910 (SA) and the Commonwealth Aboriginals Ordinance of 1911. It carried over most of the provisions of the previous Ordinances. The Chief Protector retained control over many aspects of Aboriginal lives and continued to be the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child. The Aboriginals Ordinance 1918 was amended 18 times over the following decades, and was repealed by the Welfare Ordinance 1953.
The Aboriginals Ordinance was amended by Act No.6 1923, Act No.10 1924, Act No.11 1924, Act No.14 1925, Act No.5 1927, Act No.17 1928, Act No.23 1928, Act No.5 1930, Act No.4 1933, Act No.4 1936, Act No.5 1937, Act No.7 1937, Act No.4 1939, Act No.11 1941, Act No.5 1943, Act No.8 1947, Act No.7 1953, Act No.9 1953