Yes! Housing (Youth Externally Supported Housing) is the name that was given in 1997 to Youth Focus, which had been established by Anglicare in 1991. Yes! Housing offered emergency accommodation and housing program for young people aged from 15-17 years in the Perth metropolitan area who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. Supporting young people to obtain and retain Homeswest (State Government) housing has been a focus of the program since it began. In 2018, Yes! Housing continued to operate.
Yes! Housing, Anglicare was established by Anglicare as ‘Youth Focus’ in 1991. In 1995 it was described as an emergency accommodation service for up to 50 young people aged 16-17 years, who were given support to obtain Homeswest accommodation in the northern suburbs of Perth. In 1997, the name was changed to ‘Yes! Housing’. Over the years, the program has aimed to support young people between the ages of 15 and 17 years to achieve permanent accommodation in properties owned or managed by the State Government, to develop independent living skills, and to restore or maintain family relationships.
Alternative Names
Youth Externally Supported Housing
1997 -
Yes! Housing was located in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia (Building State unknown)