• Archival Series

Worimi Detention Centre, Broadmeadow Institutional files ([I] "B" files)

To access these records

Please contact the New South Wales Department of Communities & Justice, Open Government, Information and Privacy Unit:

Phone: (02) 9716 2662

Email: infoandprivacy@dcj.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/about-us/gipa/apply-online-to-access-information.html

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, RNCG-5020

Records Location


This series contains Institutional case files (“B” files) for children who spent time at Worimi Shelter. Departmental Institutional “B” files for children in out-of-home care and youth justice systems vary from person to person, but often contain records such as reports on children, court orders, correspondence about the child, and details about the child, their family, and their situation. The files were discontinued once the child turned 18, or if they were adopted.

Access Conditions

Access to these records is currently restricted. In New South Wales, records relating to individuals, such as case files and correspondence are closed to public access for 100 years. Records such as registers and indexes are closed to public access for 80 years.

People wishing to access records about themselves will need to submit a GIPA (Government Information Public Access) form to the Department of Communities and Justice Open Government, Information and Privacy unit.


As of the time of writing (July 2023) these records were unprocessed by State Archives, and as such no further information about them has been published in the State Archives catalogue. Access approval for these records may take longer than for processed records.

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