• Archival Collection

Wesley Mission Victoria Records

To access these records

Please contact Christopher Wade, Manager Uniting Heritage Service:

Postal address: Locked Bag 8, A’Beckett Street PO, Melbourne VIC 8006

Phone: 0402 969 621

Email: christopher.wade@vt.uniting.org

Website: https://www.unitingvictas.org.au/services/family-services/heritage-service/

Records Location


The Wesley Mission Victoria Records date from 1902. They include records of the Girls’ Memorial Home, The South Yarra Home, Tally Ho Boys’ Training Farm, Tally Ho Youth Services, Wesley Youth Services and Lincoln House. The records relate to children who were placed with these services. The types of records include admission book registers, individual files (1980’s onwards), photographic records and other memorabilia.

Access Conditions

Former residents (and their families) should contact the Uniting Heritage Service to find information, and access personal files. The Uniting Heritage Service is a free service that helps individuals access information about them or family members, as well as access appropriate support should they choose. Heritage Service staff prefer to release records to past residents or their family members in person, where possible, in order to give greater meaning and context to the information.


The collection includes:

  • Minutes of the Boys’ Parliament 1930-1953
  • Foster care client files (1986 – )
  • Annual reports (1893 – )
  • Architectural plans (c.1940s – 1980’s)
  • Client photographs, and digital copies of the photos (1903 -1986)
  • Oral history interviews with former staff and clients
  • Scrap books of press cuttings (1948 – 1985) and digital copies of the cuttings
  • Admission registers* (1902-1930; 1964-1966; 1969 – )
  • Photographs of buildings, and digital copies of the photos (1900- C. 1980)
  • Memorabilia, including trophies
  • Photos of children and buildings in the Mission’s Annual Reports (1903 – 1986)
  • Minutes of the Boys’ Parliament (1930 – 1953), which record activities on the Farm and the decisions of the Parliament. The minutes have been transcribed.

At this stage, there are no publicly available finding aids.

Before February 2010, this collection was titled “Records held by Wesley Mission Melbourne”.

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