• Organisation

Werribee Farm School


Werribee Farm School, near Wundowie, was established by the Methodist Church in 1928 to train boys aged 10 to14 years in farm work. By 1953, girls were admitted to Werribee (then called ‘Allandale’) with their brothers. The property was sold in 1962.

Werribee Farm School, near Wundowie, was established by the Methodist Church in November 1928 to train boys aged 10 to14 years in farm work.

In 1938, the objectives of the Werribee Boys’ Home (Farm School) were described in the Report by the Royal Commissioner on Youth Employment and the Apprenticeship System (p.lxix) as ‘housing and training boys in farm pursuits’ and accommodating ‘boys who, on prospects, appear to have less opportunity than the average boy (e.g., boys from poor homes) and destitute orphan boys.’

The Royal Commissioner recommended (p.lxx) that the Government pay a maintenance allowance of 10 shillings per week for each ‘destitute orphan boy’ at Werribee provided the school undertook vocational and general education and training to the satisfaction of the Education Department. By 1940, this recommendation had not been implemented.

In The Barefoot Boys of Werribee, pg. 105, Harry Lucas shares “The Werribee Song” written by Superintendent Cyril Palmer, with his reflections beneath:

The Werribee boys are happy,
The Werribee boys are we
The Werribee boys are very fine boys
At work and play, you see.
They never, never quarrel
And they never disagree,
For the motto of these Werribee boys,
Is one for all, you see.
C.B. Palmer

Fine sentiments, but as you can guess, not all that close to reality, I’m afraid. Nevertheless, we did sing it at the sports meet and other occassions when opportunity presented itself. After all, the positive word is more effective than the negative put-down.

By 1953, girls were admitted to Werribee (by then called ‘Allandale’) with their brothers. The property was sold in 1962.

  • From


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  • Alternative Names

    Tom Allan Memorial Home for Boys


    Werribee Boys' Home



  • 1928 - 1962

    Werribbee Farm School was located on Chedaring road, Wundowie, Western Australia (Building Still standing)


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