• Archival Collection

Waterfall Sanatorium Records

To access these records

Please contact South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Legal Services Unit:

Postal address: GPO Box 1614, Sydney, NSW, 2001

Phone: (02) 9382 7625

Email: SESLHD-LegalServicesUnit@health.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services-clinics/directory/right-to-information/accessing-personal-health-information

Records Location


Waterfall Sanatorium Records describes records that were created by Waterfall Sanatorium and in some cases the Garrawarra Hospital from 1909 to 1971. The records held at the Museums of History NSW (State Archives) contain a range of types from admission cards, case books and histories, to cemetery registers. It is not known if children are identified in all the record types.

Access Conditions

All patient identifying records are closed for 110 years, marked as Closed for Public Access (CPA). Anything outside of the 110 years is Open to Public Access (OPA), however, it is important to note that records covering the duration of treatment for a patient which passes into the closed period, will need be redacted to ensure information within the closed period is not accessed without permission to do so. To request these records you will need to contact the NSW Health South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. Open Access records can be accessed by contacting Museums of History NSW.


The information used to describe the records below is provided in the Museums of History NSW (State Archives collection) catalogue. Where no additional information is provided, no further details are known. The NRS number provided for each is the series number which will help with requesting records. More administrative records that were created by Waterfall Sanatorium in the management of the institution are held by the Museums of History NSW and are not described below.

  • Correspondence registers [Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall], 17-02-1909 to 22-05-1928
    2 vols. NRS-4975
    These volumes contain registration numbers, name, subject matter, and result.
  • Admission cards [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 19-10-1909 – 03-06-1958
    These admission cards contain details about patients admitted to the waterfall hospital, including name, date of birth, address, names of spouse, parents, children, or other friends/relatives, admission date, discharge date, and reason for admission/discharge.
  • Case histories [Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall], October 1909 to June 1951
    11 vols. NRS-4973
    These were created on the admission of patients to the hospital. At the head of each page are shown the name, age, address, where sent from and date, condition on discharge (eg. arrested, unimproved), date of discharge, length of stay in hospital (in days) and place of birth. Columns are then provided for sex, marital condition, occupation and capacity for work, the stage of the disease, provision for recording physical condition (eg. temperature, weight, etc.), family history (whether a history of consumption) and opportunity of infection, and condition on discharge. Each sheet is completed by diagrams showing the larynx and the dorsal and ventral aspects of the thorax, marked by the examining doctor.
  • Inmates Workers Register [Waterfall Hospital for Consumptives / Waterfall Sanatorium / Garrawarra Hospital], 1955-1964 NRS-18678
    This register contains information about inmate workers at Waterfall Sanatorium, including name, age, admission number, admission date, discharge date, and location checks (e.g. ceased, absconded, expelled). The register includes an alphabetical index at the front.
  • Death register [Waterfall Hospital for Consumptives / Waterfall Sanatorium], 1909-1958 NRS-20208
    This register contains information for patients who died at Waterfall Sanatorium, including patient name, cause of death, age, date of death, religion, occupation, and last residence. It is arranged chronologically, with an A-Z index at the front of the book.
  • Cemetery Registers [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 1909-1949 NRS-18676
    The registers in this series are arranged alphabetically.
  • Cemetery Registers [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 12-01-1918 – 09-11-1949
    The registers in this series are arranged by date.
  • Circulars received [Hospital of Consumptives, Waterfall], 13-09-1929 to 24-01-1947
    1 vol. NRS-4976
    These are letters received from various offices including the Director General of Public Health by the Medical Superintendent at Waterfall.
  • Cemetery Register – Private [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 07-01-1936 to 12-01-1937
  • Dentist’s register [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 21-04-1937 – 01-10-1971
  • Outdoor Attendants Diary [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 1945 – 31-01-1952
  • X-Ray Reports [Garrawarra Centre, Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall / Waterfall Sanatorium], 28-06-1946 – 30-12-1959
    This records in this series includes patient names.
  • Case book [Hospital for Consumptives, Waterfall], 1948 – 1951
    1 vol. NRS-4974
    The volume is arranged chronologically by date of admission. Details given include name, age, birthplace, occupation, family history (regarding health of immediate family) and history of disease.
  • Notification of cases of TB [ Garrawarra Hospital / Garrawarra Centre for Aged Care, Waterfall], 1953-1963

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