• Archival Collection

Tufnell Home, Records

To access these records

Please contact the Anglican Records and Archives Centre:

Postal Address: GPO Box 421, Brisbane QLD 4001

Phone: (07) 3835 2333

Email: archives@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Website: https://www.anglicanchurchsq.org.au/archives


The records about Tufnell Home, Nundah at the Anglican Records and Archives Centre include Admissions Book, Baptism Registers, correspondence, day to day diaries, case files and medical records created by Tufnell Home. The collection has records dated from 1893 to the 1990s. The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane supports the efforts of past residents of Tufnell Home to find out as much information as possible about their time in ‘care’.

Access Conditions

If you would like to find out about your time in ‘care’ at the Tufnell Children’s Home, or access personal files, contact the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane Records and Archives Centre.

The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane Records and Archives Centre allows for amendments to be inserted into the files, if requested, after verification or appropriate declaration. There are no charges to Forgotten Australians for the use of research facilities, replacement copies of certificates, and photocopies.


The Tufnell Home records include the following nine Series of records:

  • Resident Files c.1960 – c.1980
    The Resident files contain individual and family files. The files may include admission forms, departmental reports and health notes. Each file is housed in a manila folder labelled with the name/s of the child/family concerned. The files are arranged alphabetically in boxes. Quantity: 32 boxes.
    Reference Number: Series 1
  • Register of Admissions and Discharges 1963 – 1987
    The information in the Register is as follows: name, date of admission, date of discharge, and to whom the child was discharged. The Register consists of a hard-cover account book divided into alphabetical sections.
    Reference Number: Series 2
  • Baptism and Confirmation Records 1921 – 1978
    These records consist of registers and cards that relate to baptisms and confirmations for children at Tufnell Home. More specifically, there are: Baptism Registers for Home; Confirmation Register for Home; Individual baptismal and confirmation cards.
    Reference Number: Series 3
  • Diaries 1947 – 2004
    These diaries were created by Tufnell Home, specifically by various administrators who ran the Tufnell Home. The diaries include entries in relation to children’s names and events such as group outings, week-end and holiday visits, hospital and dental visits, and school functions. Note that this Series does not include a diary for every year within the Series Dates. It contains diaries for the following years: 1947-50; 1955; 1959-62; 1967-68; 1972/3-74; 1986; 1989-90; 2003; 2004. Quantity: 18 diaries.
    Reference Number: Series 4
  • Other Miscellaneous Records 1926 – 1973
    These records include Visitors books, correspondence files, and a Survey of Children in Care. Quantity: 2 books; 1 folder; 1 survey.
    Reference Number: Series 5
  • Enrolment Books 1901 – 1935
    These Enrolment Books consist of two brown marble-coloured quarto exercise books, and two purpose-printed books with black cloth spine. The layout of the books is one page per child/family, with details hand-written in blue or black ink. Information in the Enrolment Books includes: name; date of admission; place of birth; date of birth; name of parents; address; religion; health; terms of admission and remarks. Quantity: four books.
    Reference Number: Series 6
  • Cash Books 1904 – 1961
    These Cash Books consist of large, leather-bound books detailing the receipts and expenditure for Tufnell Home. They contain surnames and information regarding fee payments by families of children in care. Quantity: nine books.
    Reference Number: Series 7
  • Departmental Registration/Payment Records 1960 – 1991
    These records consist of forms which were required to be completed for State and Commonwealth government departments upon admission of a child to a home, or otherwise on a periodic basis.
    The forms contained in this Series include the following: Register of Children in an Institution; Return of Children in Care Admitted to and Discharged from the Institution during the Week ended [date]; Schedule of Admissions and Discharges of Children under 16 years and Claim for additional child endowment; Advice of Admission of a child to an institution and Claim for additional family allowance; Advice of Discharge of child from Institution; Periodical claim for payment of Child Endowment. Quantity: 16 items.
    Reference Number: Series 8
  • Lists 1956 – 1958
    These records consist of a folder containing lists of names of children, including typed single sheets and handwritten lists in two exercise books. The lists pertain to: children residing at the home as at certain dates; children attending Nundah State School; admissions and discharges as at certain dates; children passing state scholarship exam 1956. Quantity: 38 lists.
    Reference Number: Series 9
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