Please contact Tuart Place:
Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 4:30pm
Address: 24 High Street, Fremantle WA 6160
Phone: (08) 6140 2380 or 1800 619 795
These records are held by Tuart Place (May 2012 - current).
The Tuart Place Historical Photos collection comprises images shared with the support service Tuart Place by former residents of children’s Homes in Western Australia and some past provider organisations.
Access to the photos is limited to former residents of the Homes and family members/descendants. To access these photos please contact Tuart Place.
The images in the Tuart Place Historical Photos Collection are a mixture of photographs of the interior and exterior of buildings, of staff and of residents. In some of the photographs, people are identified by name.
The largest volume of photos are of Christian Brothers orphanages – Bindoon, Clontarf, Tardun and Castledare.
The collection also contains photographs of Nazareth House Geraldton, St Joseph’s Orphanage Wembley, St Vincent’s Foundling Home, Moore River (Mogumber) Mission, Swan Homes, and former missions operated by the Churches of Christ: Norseman, Roelands, Carnarvon, Fairhaven, and Esperance.
It includes a collection of photos of Salvation Army Homes including images of Salvation Army Girls’ Home Cottesloe, Salvation Army Boys’ Home Nedlands, Hillcrest Babies’ Home, and Seaforth Boys’ Home.
The photographs are of different eras and, apart from the Salvation Army and Churches of Christ collections, they have not been indexed by year.