• Organisation

Townsville Receiving Depot


The Townsville Receiving Depot was previously known as the Townsville Orphanage. The Townsville Receiving Depot was a government-run institution, and filled the role of reception, care and boarding out of children to foster homes. In 1964, it became known as Carramar Children’s Home.

The 1999 report of the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions referred to the poor condition of the buildings at Townsville Receiving Depot in the 1960s (children moved into new buildings in 1966, at which time it was known as Carramar Children’s Home).

A witness to the inquiry, placed at the Depot in 1957, recollected it as ‘large, unfriendly and impersonal’ (p.76). Another witness described how girls from the Home wore gingham dresses to school, rather than the regulation State school uniform, making them easily identifiable as ‘Home kids’ (p.85).

  • From


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  • 1934 - 1964

    The Townsville Receiving Depot was situated at 42 Warburton Street, North Ward, Queensland (Building Demolished)



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