The State Children Act 1895 (Act no. 641/1895) was passed on 20 December 1895. Its full title was ‘An Act to amend the Law relating to State Children, and for other purposes’. It was repealed by the Child Welfare Ordinance 1958 (Act No.20/1958) on 2 February 1959.
During the period 1863 to 1911 when the Northern Territory was annexed to South Australlia, all South Australian legislation also applied to the Northern Territory. The State Children Act (SA) established the State Children’s Council. The Council was responsible for the care of State children and the management and control of their property. The State Children’s Council was also responsible for overseeing the apprenticeship, placement and attendance at school of these children until 13 years of age. This Act ceased to apply to the Northern Territory with the assent of the Child Welfare Ordinance 1958.