The Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1912 (3 George V, No 16), had the full title ‘An Act to provide for the subdivision of the Cape Barren Island Reserve, and for other purposes’. It provided for the subdivision of the Cape Barren Island Reserve into homesteads and agricultural blocks specifically for the use of the descendants of people living in the Furneaux Group of islands. Those named in the schedule and their descendants and widows could apply to occupy the land rent free. Licenses could be bequeathed to widows or descendants but if a widow married a white man she lost the licence. The residents had to live continuously in their houses for six months of the year. Anyone over twenty-one years of age who was not a licenced occupier or lessee could be removed from the Reserve. The Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1912 was repealed by the Cape Barren Island Reserve Act 1945 (9 George VI, No 14).