• Organisation

Swanleigh Council


Swanleigh Council was the body formed in 1972 to replace The Anglican Homes Board: Swanleigh Council to govern the Anglican children’s Home and hostel, Swanleigh. Swanleigh Council’s governing role ceased with Swanleigh’s closure in 2010.

In The Noisy Mansions (1986, pp.210-214), former Director of Swan Homes and Swanleigh, Roy Peterkin gave an overview of the role of The Anglican Homes Board: Swanleigh Council and other boards and committees of the Anglican Diocese of Perth which governed Anglican children’s homes in the period up to around 1984.

In 1979 the Anglican Church of Australia (Swanleigh land and endowments) Act 1979 enabled the Perth Diocesan Trustees to utlise the land and related endownments that had begun with the Perth Girls’ Orphanage for ‘use within the State for general child and family care purposes’. This enabled the Swanleigh Council more options in how it utilised the resources of, and for, Swanleigh.

Swanleigh Council ceased its governing role when Swanleigh closed in 2010.

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