Swan Accommodation Service (The Junction) began in 1980 to provide emergency accommodation service for families and single persons, but by 1982 housed only homeless youth. In 1986 the Service offered accommodation at the Snow Bennett Youth Shelter in Dudley Street, Midland. In 2001, the service provided temporary accommodation at its crisis centre and in a number of houses in the Midland Region. By 2017 Swan Accommodation Service was renamed Indigo Junction, and remained operating at the Great Northern Highway premises.
In 1995, Swan Emergency Accommodation was described as providing up to 8 medium term and up to 10 emergency accommodation and support places for young people and families aged 15-25 years in the Swan and Mundaring Shires.
In 2001 the service provided crisis accommodation for people aged 15-25 years at a number of houses in the Midland Region. The service has the capacity to accommodate up to 10 young people in its crisis centre and up to 8 young people in transitional accommodation
Sponsoring Agency Swan Emergency Accommodation Inc.
Address(es) 5/294 Great Eastern Highway, Midland (1994).67 Morrison Road, Midland (1980).
Premises also at 24a Dudley Street, Midland (1994), among others. In 2001 at 53 Great Northern Highway, Midland.
Brief History “On May 10th, 1978 a community meeting was held in the Guildford Civic Centre. Representatives from a wide section of the community were present,” wrote Vicki Mills-Borley in her historical treatise “Swan Emergency Accommodation – Information and Origins” (Revised Edition May 1998). “The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the need for a twenty-four hour emergency counselling centre in the area….At this inaugural meeting it was considered that the provision of an emergency shelter was required rather than counselling.”
At a subsequent meeting, this need was affirmed and, after forming a steering committee which, among other things, conducted a community survey which supported such a venture, the founding committee of Swan Emergency Accommodation Incorporated was elected on September 27th 1979 (Mills-Borley). In 1980, the Midland Division of the Department reported that the “main project this year has been the establishment of an Emergency Accommodation Shelter known as ‘The Junction’. There had been a real need for such a facility for quite a number of years and this need had been voiced by all organizations, agencies and statutory bodies within the Swan Shire.
The Community Development Officer was an active member of the steering committee, playing a vital role in the establishment of the Centre and activating the local public’s interest in this project. This interest has expressed itself in tangible terms, e.g.:- (a) Shire Council provided house free of charge. (b) Various groups and individuals assisted in ‘Clean-ups’. (c) Local industries and traders donated all necessary repair materials. (d) A furniture drive resulted in all necessary furnishings being provided for the house. (e) Funds from the Department and financial assistance from a local car-dealer helped to purchase the necessary equipment and enabled the appointment of a live-in Caretaker. Since opening in February 1980, ‘The Junction’ [has] never been empty and has accommodated full families, single men, single women and women and children. This varied and mixed population has given no cause for concern and indeed has demonstrated that the best human qualities surface in a time of crisis.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1980).
Named “The Junction due to the fact that Midland is the physical junction where Great Eastern Highway and Great Northern Highway meet” (Mills-Borley), in its first year of operation, accommodation for 10 people was provided. “As a result of continual demands for shelter and refusal due to overcrowding, negotiations with the Shire of Swan have resulted in obtaining a second property, situated in the vicinity of ‘The Junction’ whereby community involvement will still be encouraged.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1981). 233 adults and 105 children were provided with accommodation in 1982.
“During the first 18 months of operation, shelter was provided to full families and single persons. At the end of that period statistics showed that 60% of the adult population fell under the category of “Youths”. With the availability of funds from the Homeless Youths Scheme, the Junction has now been made available to Youths only.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1982). A Grant-in-Aid was received in 1982 for renovations, fencing, etc; in 1983 to furnish and equip three houses. “The Swan Emergency Accommodation Committee works in close liaison with the [Midland] Division providing for homeless youth and families. During the year 131 young people were accommodated at the Junction refuge. A part-time Youth Worker, employed by the committee assisted many of these young people into housing and employment.” (Annual Report of the Department for Community Welfare, June 30th 1984).
Described in 1983 as being a service for males and females aged 16 unless accompanied by a parent. Assistance with obtaining social security benefits and long term housing, arranging job interviews. Accommodation in a modified family home, capacity 14. During 1983 Swan Emergency separated into two services, the Youth Service and a family accommodation service called Transea. The Youth service moved from the Junction to a new house at 24A Dudley Street in September 1986. This service “was named ‘Snow Bennett Youth Shelter’ in honour of [H.N.] Snow Bennett [founding committee member] whose unceasing voluntary work for the community has contributed much to the success of the organization.” (Mills-Borley)
By 1989, the service was described as both a family housing service and a youth accommodation service, with four houses in the Midland area and catering for both singles and families. In 1995, Swan Emergency Accommodation’s Funding Agreement with the Department outlined the purpose of the funded services, the service objectives and performance indicators: The purpose of the service was “to provide crisis, short term and medium term accommodation and support services in the Swan and Mundaring Shires for families and young people aged 15-25 years.” Service Objectives: “Families and young people have safe secure and affordable crisis accommodation. Self-esteem and the ability to make choices is improved in families and young people.
Families and young people move to long term independent stable housing. Families and young people develop support networks in the community. The community participates in the service at the operational and client level.” (Funding Agreement between Swan Emergency Accommodation and Family and Children’s Services 1995, as reported in the Out of Home, Preventative and Alternative Care Services Review, “Terms of Reference”, Family and Children’s Services, 1995).
In 1999, the service moved to 53 Great Northern Highway, Midland.
In 2001 the service was described as providing crisis accommodation at the Snow Bennett Youth Shelter and transitional supported accommodation at a number of houses in the Midland Region. The service has the capacity to accommodate up to 10 young people in its crisis centre and up to 8 young people in transitional accommodation. (Service Agreement with the Department for Community Development).
Funding for this service has been provided through the Youth Supported Accommodation Program, which was a sub-program of the Commonwealth/State funded Supported Accommodation Assistance Program. [For notes on this program see the section on SAAP at the beginning of Signposts].
Alternative Names
The Junction
Snow Bennett Youth Shelter
Midland Emergency Accommodation service Accommodation Service.
Indigo Junction
1980 - 1994
Swan Accommodation Service was located at 67 Morrison Road, Midland, Western Australia (Building Demolished)
1994 - 1999
Swan Accommodation Service was located at 5/294 Great Eastern Highway, Midland, Western Australia (Building Still standing)
1999 -
Swan Accommodation Service moved to 53 Great Northern Highway, Midland, Western Australia (Building Still standing)