Sunnyfield School, also known as Sunnyfield Children’s Home, was a special school for children with intellectual disabilities at Manly Vale. Children stayed over the school holidays, so it also functioned as a disability institution. It was started by the Sunnyfield Branch of the Sub-Normal Children’s Welfare Association, which became the Sunnyfield Association in 1956. It was a children’s home until around 1981.
Sunnyfield was described in an Australian Women’s Weekly article in 1956 as a home for mentally disabled children. Another article, in 1975, mentions fund-raising efforts to support the Home.
c. 1981
Alternative Names
Sunnyfield Children's Home
c. 1956 - c. 1981
Sunnyfield Children's Home was located on Allambie Road, Allambie Heights, New South Wales (Building Still standing)