This act with the full title “An Act to Amend “The State Children Acts, 1911 to 1928” in certain particulars”(Act no.23/1943) amends the State Children Act 1911 (Act no. 2 Geo.V.No.11) in a number of ways. Firstly it raises the child support payment payed by the state to licensed institutions providing ‘care’ or by fathers to mothers caring for children from ten to twelve shillings per child. The next section of this amendment sets out the guidelines for ‘placing out any state child’ with their mother or other female relative or father as well as support payments from the minister to assist in the care of the child. To be ‘placed out’ the prospective care taker, mother, father or relative was required to be of ‘good repute’ and meet certain marital requirements. The third part of this amendment details the procedure for the transfer of support payments to children who are married before the age of twenty-one. This amendment and the principle act it amends was repealed and replaced in 1966 by the Children’s Services Act 1965 (Act no.42/1965).