This act with the full title “An Act to Amend “The State Children Acts 1911 to 1924” in certain particulars, and to further Amend “The Criminal Code”” (Act no. 19 Geo. V. No.19) extended powers to detain children over the age of eighteen if they had committed a serious criminal offence were the offender is liable to be sentenced to hard labour for life. Examples of such crimes include murder and manslaughter. The second major amendment made by this act was extension in detail of restrictions on child employment. In particular the employment of children in entertainment, horse racing and street trading. The amendment requires children between twelve and fourteen years of age to have a licence to be employed in any of these three occupations, particularly if they occurred at night time. Furthermore the Director was given the power to decline a license if he felt the work was begging, harmful to the child’s physical or ‘moral’ welfare. Penalties applied to the employer of the child. This amendment was repealed along with its primary act in 1966 by the Children’s Services Act 1965 (Act no.42/1965).