• Legislation

State Children Act Amendment Act 1927, Western Australia


The State Children Act Amendment Act 1927 created some new terminology and updated the schedule of industrial schools covered by the Act. The principal Act, the State Children Act 1907, became the ‘Child Welfare Act’ (s.2); the term ‘state child’ was replaced (s.3) by ‘ward’; and the State Children Department was renamed (s.4) the ‘Child Welfare Department’. The Act also (s.7) enabled the Minister to make regulations that would allow the Department to release on parole, under Departmental supervision, a child who had been committed by the Children’s Court to an industrial school. The State Children Act Amendment Act 1927 was repealed by the Child Welfare Act 1947.

In the State Children Act Amendment Act 1927, s.15 of the State Children Act 1907 was repealed to update the list of organisations that would receive a subsidy for some of the children accommodated.

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