• Organisation

St George's Homes, Rockhampton


St George’s Orphanage, in Parkhurst (North Rockhampton), was established by the St George’s Homes for Children Executive Committee in 1922. Over time, three Homes were established on the site. In 1925, the original Home became known as ‘No 1 Home’, when the No 2 Home was opened. Another Home, known as the Mothers’ Memorial Home or No 3 Home, opened in 1930. This No 3 Home closed in 1931 and was reopened in 1935. The No 1 Home closed in June 1971. Funding for residential care at the Parkhurst site ceased officially in September 1979.

Number 2 Home was licensed under the State Children Act 1911 in 1925. Number 3 Home was licensed under The lnfant Life Protection Act 1905 on 27 March 1936 and under the Children’s Services Act 1965 on 4 August 1966.

A publication from 1968 described the Home as accommodating 50 boys and 26 girls, aged 2 to 17 years, of all denominations. It stated that the boys and girls are housed separately in three homes but use a central dining room (Social Services Queensland, 1968, p.94).

  • From


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  • Alternative Names

    St George's Orphanage

    St George's Home for Orphans


  • 1922 - 1979

    St George's Homes was situated off Yaamba Road, at Parkhurst (Rockhampton), Queensland (Building Demolished)


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