Please contact Queensland State Archives:
Postal Address: PO Box 1397, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109
Phone: (07) 3037 6777
Quote this number to access your records: Queensland State Archives Series ID, S4832
These records are held by Queensland State Archives.
This series contains 4429 cards containing details about residents of Cherbourg, as recorded by the Superintendent of Cherbourg. The cards include information such as individual’s name, sex, religion, date and place of birth, employment, identification number, parent’s names and identification numbers, spouse’s name and identification number, date, place, and type of marriage, name, sex, and dates of birth of children, place and date of admittance to Cherbourg, date of removal order, reason for removal order, and place where the individual was removed from. Some cards also mention date of death of the individual, where relevant, and comments about medical history and perceived “conduct” of the individual.
Access to this series is restricted for 100 years to protect personal privacy. To apply for access to these records please contact Queensland State Archives.