• Archival Series

Scarba House: Index, Benevolent Society of New South Wales

To access these records

Please contact the Benevolent Society:

Postal Address: PO Box 171, Paddington NSW 2021

Phone: (02) 8262 3400 or 1800 236 762


Website: https://www.benevolent.org.au/contact-us/general-enquiries

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Library of New South Wales - Manuscripts & Pictures Call Number, MLMSS 6091


Scarba House: Index are an incomplete series of index cards which record information about the residents of Scarba House between 1965-1968 and 1972-1974. The cards record the surname, first name, registration number, gender, date of birth, age, religion, birthplace, address on admission, address on discharge, date admitted, date discharged, number of days in Scarba, father’s name, address, occupation, wages and rent, mother’s maiden name and address, details of legal action, why the child was recommended for admission, by whom brought in and remarks.

Access Conditions

These records are restricted and written permission from the Benevolent Society must be obtained. At the time of application proof of ID and/or proof of relationship to the person in the records must be provided. For preservation purposes you may only be able to access a copy of the original record. Contact the State Library of New South Wales for assistance in applying for access to the collection.


The Scarba House: Index is an incomplete series and there are no records between 1968 and 1972. The records are arranged alphabetically with members of the same family grouped together and there are 2 volumes.

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