Please contact the Benevolent Society:
Postal Address: PO Box 171, Paddington NSW 2021
Phone: (02) 8262 3400 or 1800 236 762
These records are held by Post Adoption Resource Centre (1991 - current).
These files contain case notes for families who were involved in programs operated by Scarba. The information relates to the children and their parents and may include medical and psychological reports. There is also information about the admission and discharge of children into care.
Access to information is generally restricted to the person to whom the information relates. Information may be released to a third party if they can prove their relationship to the person to whom the information refers. Records which are fragile or contain information of a sensitive nature may only be accessed by authorised members of the Society’s staff. The information will then be passed on to the person making the request. For access to these records please contact the Benevolent Society.